Chapter 5- Not so Private Dance Lessons

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                   Today in dance class we were rehearsing the single ladies dance, because we were supposed to keep our changes to What Makes You Beautiful to ourselves. I had a light dinner with Caroline before walking back to the college for my slot at the studio. I had been practicing at home, asking Caroline what she thinks but I really needed the studio’s mirrors to see what I was doing. I walked into the studio which was kind of creepy when no one was in it; I dropped my bag and stretched since I already changed before I came. I had on Pink yoga pants, dance shoes and a T-shirt that had a circular dip with a tank top underneath it. I stretched and put tape on my wrists and ankles for safety I don’t want to sprain or break anything. After I stretched I knelt down by the radio player and turned on “what makes you beautiful” I got into the center of the room and started. I did the whole thing through then turned off the music singing it to myself, there was no one here so I could do whatever the heck I wanted. The whole time though I had this weird feeling of being watched, the whole time, it was so weird.


Harry’s P.O.V

                We had been sitting in this “secret” room all day as dancers came in and practiced it was such a waste of time: one girl started but her phone rang and all she did was talk on the phone the whole time. One girl grinded up against the glass the whole time and one girl went to sleep. Who does that?! We were behind the glass panel on one wall so we could see what the dancers were doing but they couldn’t see us, it was kind of cool. I felt like a total creep but it was still cool. Louis and I had been throwing paper at each other when the last person walked in, I recognized her immediately, she was the girl who stole my crisps! She stretched out, which I couldn’t help but think was sexy, Louis threw a paper at me and I told him to stop


“Because look this girl is dancing” I stated wanting him to go away

“She isn’t dancing yet… Awhh Harry do you fancy her?” Louis asked with a smirk

“No! Well she was the girl who stole my crisps” I told him as an explanation

“The one you can’t stop talking about? That’s her?” Louis asked eyebrows raised

“Yep” I said popping the “P”

“She’s fit, that’s what I can see” he said smirking

I hit him “don’t talk about her like that” I whined

“Oh please Harry, what’s going on in your head right now, is much-much worse than what I just said” he said rolling his eyes

I looked down the line of boys which seemed to be looking up now, I wanted to remind them I already called dibs on this one but that wouldn’t be very nice. She went over and knelt down by the radio after putting some sort of tape on her wrists and ankles, I wasn’t exactly what it was for. She started the song and did the dance they showed us with not a lot of personality she then stopped the music once it was over and did it slower singing it to herself as she went. I felt like I was intruding on her dance session but I wasn’t about to stop, this was hot! I looked down the line: Louis was looking at the ceiling, Zayn was slouched but he was watching, Niall was texting someone but Liam was sitting forward with his elbows on his knees looking intently at her. I frowned, she’s mine! I wanted to whine at him he has a girlfriend! I whined to myself but I had to remember he was just looking that’s all he was doing just looking, Harry, just looking. She stopped standing there looking into mirror just looking without blinking she slowly closed her eyes and did the dance with so much personality it was almost a different dance but it was so obviously the same dance, now all the boys were looking even Louis who hated to watch dancing. She smiled at herself when she was finished and did it again and again. By the end of her third time doing it everyone in the studio was watching the dance teacher had walked a couple paces forward and nodded slowly as she moved her arms a little as if she couldn’t help it. I had to find out this girl’s name, I stood and walked over to the dance teacher who stopped dancing and looked at me

“What’s her name?”

“That is Sammie” she said nodding “she is an amazing dancer” she said

“Yeah” I said nodding I walked back to my seat and Louis looked at me expectantly

“I asked her name” I explained

“I know, I could hear you, what is it?” he asked sassily

“Sammie” I told him snapping my fingers in a “Z” to make fun of him

He rolled his eyes and slouched again looking at the ceiling. I watched as she frowned at herself in the mirror she did some complicated dance moves that look difficult to pull off and dangerous because each time she would throw something the dance teacher would stiffen when she landed the teacher would sigh, every single time. She walked over to the glass standing nearly with her nose touching it, she did a spin away from it and started doing flips and flips and more flips until she got to the opposite wall she landed lowering herself into the splits. She rolled over smiling to herself I wondered what she was thinking right now. She stood up ruffling her hair while she walked over to the stereo playing a different song that I didn’t know that artist of but the name of the song is “strip me” or at least I think that’s what it is. It wasn’t the literal “strip me” sexy way but strip me as in moral and “I am naturally amazing” kind of thing. She did a dance to it ending with her lying on the floor. She got up again and checked the time then looked around the room she did a handstand holding it for so long I thought she was frozen in time then music started it was “run the world” by Beyoncé and she flipped over doing the dance that was from the music film. She ended in the same pose of a handstand and stayed there for what felt like ten minutes but it was probably only a minute or so. She must have some major muscles since hand stands take some power, I knew I couldn’t do it but Liam could.

“I’m going to go and teach her one of the dances you guys are doing on tour” the dance teacher said and left the room

We were picking twenty dancers out of the whole UK to come with us on a tour around the UK and in Australia we already had ten we hoped we could get the last ten here since this was the top most dance universities around the UK. Sammie was still in a handstand when the teacher walked in but when the teacher opened the door Sammie went crashing down on her back, smacking her ankle on the ground roughly. she started to make these sounds that came from deep in her throat as she crawled into a ball on her knees bent over with her forearms on the ground and fists clenched Liam stood up so quickly it nearly knocked over his seat. We were all on the edge of our seats, but what was with him? He has a girlfriend! Sammie finally recovered and coughed a little as the teacher apologized. The teacher explained how she was going to teach Sammie a difficult dance. Sammie nodded and they started. It was to Gotta be You and it was a pretty complicated dance that needed some skill I realized as they started the dance. The teacher did the dance two times then Sammie did it watching the teacher they did it together while standing side by side then just Sammie did it. Now, I understood why she was in the advanced class.

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