Chapter 13- tour days

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After waking up before normal human beings should be awake we were escorted back to our tour bus. Even though I couldn’t comprehend simple things at this time of morning I was happy I was on my bus, even though I almost got on the wrong bus. Lucky for me Kara has a good since of direction in the dark. I had been told Liam wanted to talk to me but I wanted to sleep more than I wanted to talk to him so I just got on my bus. I think somebody told me twice where Liam was and that I needed to go over there ASAP but then I got distracted by a cartoon show on the small television and the bus started moving.  I didn’t think of giving him my number at any point but he had my twitter and maybe my instagram. I sighed comfortably as I smothered myself with blankets pulling them over my head it was so cold at three in the morning! I heard people walk by and the outside noises then it went dark.

“i told you that you shouldn’t have left” my best friend Nicole hissed at me while we were standing in some sort of thing that resembled our school but was some sort of high tech thing

“But it’s only college they have the best dance school” I argued back at her

“How could you leave me?! leave everyone?! We are all that you have!!” she screamed at me before leaving me standing in this strange place

“Don’t listen to her” someone who didn’t look like my brother said but I knew they were my brother so my brother shape shifts? Cool.

“but she’s right I did leave you guys” I told him comforted by my older brothers presence

“You had to, it’s what’s best don’t worry you do your thing we will be fine” he told me

I woke up still smothered in blankets and sweating slightly. I kicked them off of me until I only had one blanket over my sweats. I whined at Sarah until she got me a soda. She sat down next to me while we watched some sort of show she had switched the TV to. After watching it for a while I recognized it as the X-factor. I never really liked those shows it’s somebodies whole future that is planned by four people’s opinions that’s just not right. I sighed getting bored, I really hated traveling It’s hard for me to sit still. I stuck my boot out of the blanket since it was getting a bit toasty.  I pulled the curtains aside to reveal the road rushing past us. I looked back at the TV screen trying to get hooked into the show but failed. I looked to my right to see Kara sitting at the table with the two other girls playing a card game. I got up wobbling over on my sore legs. I looked down at the cards to see them playing some sort of card game I wasn’t familiar with. I sat down next to Kara and looked at the two girls across the table I think one of them is Abigail and the other one…. Maybe Bre that sounded right. They introduced me to the card game and I sucked at it until I finally understood what we were supposed to do, I still wasn’t great at it but I was better than Bre so I was content with that.


After playing that card game for hours I had finally gotten good at it. we had taken small breaks every now and then for bathroom breaks, food, and to get dressed at our twenty minute warning on when we would get to the venue. One of the dresser people had picked up a small splint that they had decorated to either be invisible or work with the shoe I would be wearing. Since we wouldn’t be seen in these clothes I just put on some shorts since it was still hot out and a loose fitting V-neck with a sports bra slightly showing on the edges. I let my hair be straight and put on a light amount of mascara so my eyes wouldn’t look so barren without make-up. The bus pulled to a stop and we got out, I had to get help from the girls but once I was on the ground I was good. I couldn’t see our celebrities but I was fine with that Lindsey came up and small-talked with me. I still wasn’t sure how I thought about her, she seemed nice enough maybe she was one of those attention lovers? Oh well she was nice for now so I’ll keep her around. We walked into the venue as a big group of twenty dancers finding our way into the small make-up rooms. We were with our bus groups like we are for everything so I found my group easily. I checked the song list for tonight while I got dusted heavily with bronzer and other crap that would with-out-a-doubt clogs my pores. They were doing what makes you beautiful, gotta be you, someone like you, torn, up all night, stand up, and little things. We had quite a lot of work ahead of us today. We always practiced in costume because it’s short notice and you’re always supposed to practice like you preform so we have the boys in front of us and the lights. The lady tapped me and I got up walking over to the curtained off area taking my costume and shoes I had to search a little for my splint but found it, they had decided to go with trying to make it invisible since our shoes tonight are higher on our leg. The shoes only came up above the ankle and were sturdy but it was enough to cover most of the splint. I slipped on the black dress that was loose after my waist folding over itself to create a saloon type of dress that had a corset type top that tied with a pink ribbon in the back. I slid the stiff shoes on moving around a little. I worked out my limp after walking around in the small hallway outside of my make-up room. Once I had satisfied myself with my walk I headed out to the stage. There was already a fair amount of people out here but we couldn’t start stretching until everyone got here. So we stood around talking and showing off our moves. The dresses were loose and made for flips and spins. I suspected those who could would be flipping around and those who couldn’t flip would spin, maybe we would do a can-can line or something. I did something in dancing called the human centipede, it’s where two people grab hands and roll across the floor as one giant circle, if you do it wrong it can be fatal so I guess it’s a good thing we have the best dancers here. Everyone arrived and the dance instructor started us stretching. I sat down stretching my legs so I could do the splits then stood up stretching around that way before shaking it all out and practicing high kicks, if you don’t stretch properly you can tear some really important muscles. I did a few hops to get my ankle used to it before doing breathing exercises with Kara and our group.

“Alright if you haven’t already noticed we have four songs we have to learn in five hours, so here we go” the dance instructor shouted before turning around and counting us down


Four hours later I was tired and sweaty but I knew the dances and I was done with them now. I plopped down groaning next to Bre while sipping on my water bottle

“My feet hurt!” she whined kicking her heels off and stretching her feet

“I hurt” I mumbled sitting up from my slouched position

She chuckled and continued to rub her feet. I pulled up my strapless dress so I wouldn’t show anyone anything, not that I would care I probably wouldn’t notice until someone pointed it out. I sat there whining for a good amount of time before I got bored and slouched off. I found Kara sitting out in the hallway stretching I came and sat by her

“Are you sore?” she asked slightly strained while she stretched out her thighs

“A bit” I said putting the back of my head against the cool wall

“I am!” she scoffed switching legs

I took a drink out of my water bottle

“So what’s going on with you and uh what’s-his-face?” she asked putting her feet together and pushing her knees down

“Which one?” I laughed; honestly I’ve had too much excitement for me

“Liam I think is his name” she giggled out

“oh nothing really, I haven’t talked to him in a long time” I told her a little disappointed but it was a good thing to not get emotionally attached to him since he would be dropping me back off at the university while he toured around the world. I have always wanted to see the world.

“Do you want to?” she asked sensing my disappointment

“Kind of” I shrugged tracing over the writing on my water bottle with my thumbs

She gave me a ‘not bad’ face and went back to groaning while she stretched. We sat in the hall way while people rushed by us getting last minute things ready for tonight. We heard a baby giggling and some laughter down the hall we made “awhh” faces at the adorable baby’s laugh. I put my water bottle down since it was empty and stared at the wall across from us while chuckling occasionally at the voices around the corner. The voices seemed to be getting closer and I looked to the right to see an adorable little girl waddling down the hall while she giggled crazily, a woman followed after her chasing her slowly. I guessed the woman was her mom since they had similar features. I had heard about the stylist who had a kid on tour with her but I didn’t know the baby girl was this adorable. The baby looked up to see up and slowed down a little going back to her mom for comfort. Her mom smiled at us I think she had done Bre’s makeup once that’s probably how I recognized her

“Don’t worry Lux go say hi” her mom told her warmly

I smiled at this, Lux, that’s a name you don’t hear every day. Lux gave us a wary look before waddling over to us and waved talking to us in gibberish only a child would understand she sure was cute though. I think the mom’s name is Lou but I could be wrong I have had so many names thrown at me I haven’t actually caught a lot of them. She sat down next to me whether it was on purpose or not I have no idea but she scooted over next to me and played with the frills on my dress running her small hands over the pink ribbon that lined the ends of the frills and on the top. Her mom came over sitting across from us and watched as Lux made a conversation with Kara and me. Stark come out into the hallway at one point saying we were doing warm ups again before the show. He helped me up and I leaned over to give baby Lux one last hug before we waved good bye and went into the green room to do last minute warm-ups.

The Dancer **1D fanfic(editing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant