Chapter 8- Packing Up and Moving Out

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                              I trudge towards my flat dreading packing, why had I agreed to go? All I know now is that Mrs. Hughes has some major persuasive skills. I walked into the flat slamming the door behind me angrily. I marched into my room and threw the suitcase on the bed. I grabbed clothes for ten days, my swim suit, bathroom stuff, shoes, and my dancing warm up stuff. After throwing it all into my suit case I got a snack and sat on the couch. I barely got to stay here for a week. I really wanted to stay at college, I want the job just not during college. I want an education. I want a secure lifestyle and this isn’t the road to one. I changed back into normal clothes and put my hair down frowning into the mirror, I walked back into the living room lying down on the sofa. There was a knock at the door, I peeked through the peep hole, it was a security guard standing there all official like, I grabbed my bag and opened the door. The security guard didn’t have a greeting for me but took my bag hauling it behind him while I tugged on my purse strap nervously. We walked outside where I found a ginormous tour bus. It had one direction’s faces on the sides. The security person threw my bag into the back before leading me, with one hand on my back, to the door of the tour bus. I found Kara already slouched on the couch with her phone. When I walked in she scooted over and patted the seat next to her, we were the only two on the bus right now since the others still had to be picked up. The dancers had four busses to themselves five on each bus, two buses for girls and two for the boy dancers. The bus started so I looked out the window one last time at my flat. I would miss it. We picked up the other three girls and for once in my life I got a bit lucky and it wasn’t any preppy girls. There was one “undefined” girl though. An “undefined” person means that they don’t do that clique stuff they just kind of float back and forth depending on the day. We sat around on the couches talking about random things and unpacked. The bus was stocked with all the groceries we could ever need and more. The bus stopped and the door opened quickly as some security guards rushed in pulling me up by my elbow and dragging me out. Great hospitality. I’m not a prisoner, I didn’t do anything wrong I was a dancer, duh. He led me into a building through what must be the back door and through the building to a little dressing room with a costume on a hanger. I started to panic, they hadn’t taught us any dances. We only had our personal dances which were different in very different ways. There was a note hanging on the mirror. I snatched it off of it quickly and read:

“Change into the costume you will have makeup and hair in five. Then rehearsal in ten”

I frowned throwing it on the small table in front of the mirror. I walked over to my costume giving it a good look before starting to change. It was a simple costume just a dress with shorts under it like something you would wear to a show choir audition. After sliding it on I took a look in the mirror, not bad Sam, not bad. I found some sparkly heels and slid them on before walking out of the room to find a different security guard standing there. I followed him to what must be the makeup room and sat down in one of the chairs as a makeup team filed into the room a guy walked up to my chair.

“Hi there darling, I’m Chris and I will be your stylist for this trip”

“Hi I’m Sammie,” I said smiling

“Oh! You’re the American one!” he said gleefully “I have heard great things about you!” he

“Like what?” I asked a little nervous, what on earth could he have heard?

“Oh never mind that honey, let’s just get you ready for the show tonight” he smiled going to work on my hair

He pinned it up into a bun then curled little pieces that weren’t in the bun.

“I love your purple streaks!” he complimented

“Thanks! I got them here in England actually”

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