Chapter 4- Dance Class

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                     I dreamt of One Direction, it wasn’t romantic or anything they were just there, I don’t really know why but they were. I woke up to my alarm clock and told myself I was now a The Wanted fan, I downloaded their album and put it on replay as I got into the shower, no more one Direction, I thought scrubbing my head. I got dressed in shorts and a white V-neck shirt with my blue plaid Sperry’s I wore yesterday I added a necklace and a leather belt to complete my flower child look. I walked out to see Caroline bustling around in the kitchen cooking eggs, pancakes, and bacon all at once

“Feeling better?” I asked from behind her

“Much! I don’t know what it was yesterday but today I feel brand new!”

I sat down at the bar and sipped a glass of orange juice she had set in front of me

“Was that The Wanted I heard this morning?” she asked chewing a piece of bacon as she smirked at me

“Yes...” I said guiltily

“No more One Direction for you eh?” she asked raising an eyebrow, I was so jealous she could do that I couldn’t and it sucked

“Nope, I’m swearing them off” I told her sipping orange juice and raising both of my eyebrows, damn you eyebrows

“Wow, that’s quick” she said laughing

“What can I say?” I said shrugging

“So are you excited?” she squealed sitting down next to me and handing me a plate of food

“How could I not be!?” I squealed, shoving a pancake piece smothered in syrup into my mouth

“I’m so excited and nervous all at the same time!” she said jumping in her seat

“Me to!” I gushed, I’m such an American fan girl

“So I think we have a little time what do you want to do?”

“Uhm, I have really wanted to dye my blue hair purple and get better streaks because these are fading” I admitted, picking at my faded blue hair

“Oh! I know a place that will do it for a good price and quickly!” she said washing the dishes


“Yep!” she said putting the dishes into the dishwasher

“I’ll go get my bag!”

 “Are you ready?” Caroline asked me standing by the door

“Yes!” I said running through the door

We had a race who could get to the bottom floor first, I took the stairs jumping down them quickly I ran down and stood leaning against the wall near the elevator; trying to calm my breathing, the doors opened and I smirked at her

“What took so long? I’ve been here for FOREVER” I complained laughing as we walked out

“Well you see, there was this really hot guy and we made out for a while but he got off on two” she teased

We walked into the little boutique and got in line. There was only one other person there who had just been called up. Right as I sat down my name was called

“What can I do for you today?”

“Uhm can you just dye the blue to blonde so it matches the rest my hair, then add purple tips on my two bottom layers?” I asked


She did it quickly: pinning my hair and mixing the dye at the same time, this girl had some real talent. The only thing that took longer than twenty minutes was when the dye had to sit. Caroline got blonde highlights in her’s so we waited and got updated on the latest gossip, how did the hair people know so much? After I waited for thirty minutes the lady took all the foil out of my hair and washed it out, she was nice enough to straighten it again, so I decided I liked her enough for a tip. Caroline and I walked out with our new hair duos smiling. I really liked the purple in my blonde hair. I admired myself in all the car windows as we walked by. We walked up to the university, we are official college students. I smiled at Caroline who was jumping up and down with excitement. I had history first period so I broke off and went to my class. I found a seat and got out a pencil and paper as the auditorium filled with students, a girl rushed in at the last minute and sat next to me as she got her stuff out she smiled at me

The Dancer **1D fanfic(editing)Where stories live. Discover now