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I anxiously paced around my room, as I thought about what just happened.

Do I tell Nikiya? I mean, we aren't dating, so it shouldn't matter that much, but I like her a lot and I really wasn't tryna mess shit up this early on.

She already wasn't happy with me at school today, and I wasn't sure why.

Eventually I decided to text her and invite her over.

kiya 🤤

hey, u busy?

no, what's up

come over? :)


I internally panicked as I imagined all the possible ways this could go.

I didn't kiss Mara, she kissed me... but who cares? we kissed and that's that. Nikiya wouldn't put up with any excuses, I knew that about her.

There was a knock at the door that startled me out of my thoughts, and I quickly made my way to the front of the house to answer it.

"Hey," she smiled.

I really hope this doesn't ruin her entire day.

"Yo," I said as I stepped aside to let her in before closing the door behind her.

She gave me a skeptical look, "are you okay? you seem off."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. I just wanted to tell you something," I mumbled.

"Okay, what is it?" she questioned, her eyebrows furrowing.

I led her to the couch and we sat down next to each other. I took a deep breath, nervously running my hand through my hair.

Let's just rip the bandaid off.

"Mara kissed me," I confessed quickly. I looked into her eyes, but I couldn't quite read her.

She started fidgeting with her hands as she looked down at them, nodding her head subtly, "okay."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "what— that's it? okay?"

She looked up at me and nodded her head before giving me a small but sad smile.

"I don't understand. Aren't you upset?" It kind of bothered me how calm she was being about all of this.

"Yeah, but..." she shrugged, "just shows me where your head's at, I guess."

"Fuck you mean, 'where my head's at'?" I asked, slightly raising my voice, "she kissed me, not the other way around! I didn't want to kiss her."

She looked at me with wide eyes, I guess in response to my yelling.

I sighed, regaining my composure, "sorry."

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