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I leaned up towards her, as she propped herself on top me, and my lips finally connected with hers.

Fuck yeah!

It was a slow, sweet kiss. Nothing too intense. She pulled away slowly, looking into my eyes as she did. We layed there just staring at each other for a little while and then I gave her a faint smirk, which caused her to blush and look away. She got off from on top of me and laid down beside me.

I had wanted to kiss this bitch for a while now. Ever since I first saw her, I wanted everything to do with her. There was something about her that was so compelling... but I was no good for her, and I couldn't lead her on either.

I was a player.

I wanted things to work out between us, but I would always end up hurting the other person when it'd get serious.

"You tired, baby?" I asked, she nodded her head yes. We laid facing each other, and I brought my hand up to caress her cheek. "Get some sleep." I simply said, and she closed her eyes. I continued to caress her cheek until her breathing evened out, and I could tell she was fast asleep. Then I just allowed myself to rest my hand on her tiny waist, and stare at her perfectly beautiful face.


That had to have been the best sleep I had ever gotten in my entire life. Billie was already awake and she smiled at me when she noticed I had woken up.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?" She asked, sweetly rubbing my arm up and down.

"Amazing." I blushed.

It was a school day so we had to get to school, but I just wanted to stay in bed with Billie all day. She began to get up and I pouted as she pulled away from me.

"Come on, we're gonna be late." She said bitterly, which caught me by surprise. I got up and left to the room without another word.

I was sensitive, what can I say.

After I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and did what I had to do, I went downstairs to eat some breakfast. Billie came downstairs and sat across from me noticing my mood. She crossed her arms on the table and stared at me with a straight face. I quickly finished my cereal, and walked over to the sink to wash the bowl. I felt her eyes following me as I moved around the kitchen. She was going to say something, but she quickly closed her mouth after she had initially opened it to speak.


I returned to my spot at the front by Mara and Ellie, while Billie went to the back of the classroom. I observed as Mara turned backwards to wave at Billie. Billie sent her a smirk and then I locked eyes with her. She dropped her smile and then pulled out her phone. I just turned back around.

Eventually, lunch came along, and Mara, Ellie, and I sat at our table. Billie had some new found friends that she had made over the past few days since she's been here, so she sat with them. She saw Mara and winked at her before returning to her conversation with one of her friends.

"Billie is such a flirt." Mara said.

"Yup, that's her." I gave her a smile which probably looked as fake as it was.

"You guys hang out a lot, don't you?" Ellie asked.

"Yeah..." I responded,

Mara squealed, "You're so lucky!"

I rolled my eyes. "She's just a normal human being." I said and Ellie nodded.

"Anyways, I'm headed to the library. I have to... study." I lied. I really just wanted to get away from them.

As I walked to the library, I bumped into an old... friend.

"Niki? Oh my god, why haven't I seen you at all?"

Kirsten. I had a thing with her, but it was on and off. We didn't have any of the same classes and I rarely would ever talk to her, unless it was for some pg-13 shit, ya know?

"Hey, I've missed you!" That was a complete lie. I had barely thought about her until then.

"Why don't you come over to mine tonight? Just like old times." She winked.

"Ugh, I'd love to, but I'll have to see." I smiled. She looked at me with sad eyes, but a smile was quickly displayed once again, "Well just text me and let me know then, k?"

"Yeah, of course," I smiled.

I mean, it would have been nice to have a makeout session that night, maybe more, but I was kind of confused about what I had going on with Billie. I thought maybe I should talk to her about it.

The rest of the day went by way too fucking slow. We dropped Billie off at home, and then went home ourselves.


Message from bil🥵

yo i miss you a lil bit

can i come over?


A few moments later, Billie was standing in my doorway looking way too fucking good.

"Hey..." She walked over to me, hands in pockets.

"Hi." I responded shortly

"I'm sorry about how awkward shit was today," She said quickly, "I haven't kissed anybody in a while."

I giggled a bit, "It's okay, Billie."

She sat down beside me, and wrapped her arms loosely around my waist, burying her head in my neck. Her breath on my neck made my hairs stand up. She made me so nervous, but in the best way possible. She lifted her head and kissed my cheek sweetly and softly. I turned to her so that we were face to face and she brought her forehead to rest on mine.

She glanced down at my lips and then back up to my eyes, "I wanna kiss you so bad." She mumbled quietly.

"Then do it." I whispered obviously, but she just looked at me sadly.

"I'm scared." She barely spoke out. I never thought I'd hear those words come out of Billie's mouth. She's not scared of anything.

But she's scared to kiss me?

"I don't wanna hurt you, Nikiya."

"Kiss me."

So she did. Her hands roamed my body, one stopping on my hip, the other one cupping my cheek. Our mouths moved perfectly in sync, as if we were made to kiss each other.

I could get used to this...

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