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"We're driving Billie to school today." My brother told me as we got into the car. He looked over to me from the driver's seat, "So that means sit in the back..."

"Asshole." I mumbled before reopening my door and taking myself to the backseat.

We pulled up to what I presumed to be Billie's house and sat there for about 5 minutes before she finally came out.

"Sorry I'm late." She said getting into the car. She put on her seatbelt, then turned in her seat to face me. "Hey Kiya." She winked before turning back to face the front.

No one ever called me Kiya except for my mom. She passed away 8 years ago, but I still miss her every single fucking day like crazy. I hadn't noticed I was crying until I felt the tear rolling down my cheek. I folded my arms and looked out the window, holding back the rest of my tears for the rest of the drive.

We finally got to school and I had everything I needed in my backpack so I was ready to go straight to class, but I felt a hand lightly grab my arm and I turned around suddenly to be met with Billie.

"Can you walk to class with me cuz I kinda don't know where the fuck I'm going."

"Yeah, sure..." I gave her a half smile and we walked to her locker together. She grabbed the books she needed and then we headed to our first period.

I was going to sit in my usual spot at the front, but Billie pulled me to the back of the class to sit with her.

"I need someone to copy notes off of." She said, and I gave her a disapproving look.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on, please?" She pouted. I huffed and sat down in the desk next to her. I pulled out the my books and she did the same as the rest of the class piled into the room.

Second period eventually came along, and I was sitting with Billie at the back again. I think I might have to get used to this new spot in the classroom.

I was still feeling gloomy from the thought of my mom and crying in the car so I really wasn't in the mood for anything today, and I'm sure it was showing on my face.

"Babygirl, you good?" Billie asked me in a whisper as she placed her hand on my thigh.

I nodded my head yes as I kept my focus to the front and I grabbed her wrist and removed her hand from my thigh.

Once the bell rang, I rushed out of the classroom and made my way to my locker, not bothering to wait for Billie. She eventually caught up to me, reaching out for my shoulder and turning me around.

"What's wrong, Kiya?"

There it was again... the fucking nickname. I broke down in the middle of the hallway, sobbing. Billie quickly dragged me to the side and pulled me into a hug. She smelt really fucking nice... like lavender and Chanel perfume. I sobbed into the crook of her neck as she held me.

"How 'bout we go get some air." She said as she led us outside. We sat on the park bench by the doors and she wrapped her arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to her.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"It's stupid, but m-my mom, sh-she used to call me K-Kiya..." I sniffled wiping my teary cheek as I leaned into her.

"Oh my god, Nikiya, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know." She apologized, caressing my shoulder up and down.

"No, no. It's okay, Billie, it's just a fucking nickname. It's just been a while since anyone has called me that, and then when I heard it again today for the first time in a long time, I didn't know how to handle it." I sniffled a bit before continuing, "But I kinda miss it... And I like how it sounds when you say it. You can call me Kiya if you want to." I looked up into her blue orbs and smiled at her.

I stayed there in her arms for a little longer until I realized that third period (lunch) was coming to an end, and neither of us have eaten yet.

"Just skip fourth with me..." Billie said nonchalantly.

"I don't just skip, Bil..." I reluctantly told her.

"Oh come on, just one time... You need to eat, we can just go to the café. You know, that small one down the street?" She pleaded.

I figured she wasn't going to take no for an answer, so I just swallowed my pride and said yes. "Only because you make it sound so appealing." I rolled my eyes and she laughed softly.

She grabbed my hand and we walked a short distance to the café. She ordered a cappuccino while I ordered an iced coffee and we sat in a booth by a window.

"So tell me about yourself, mama." She returned to her smug demeanour from the soft and comforting one from earlier.

"I mean, you know about my mom, my step-dad is always working to support the family, and you know my annoying ass brother, Nathan." I explained.

She leaned onto the table, the weight of her head resting in the palm of her hand, "That didn't really tell me anything about you." She raised her brows.

"I'm boring, tell me about you." I demanded, trying to seem less nervous.

"My old school was shit, they hated me cuz I did a few things that maybe I shouldn't have done, but did anyway, and it got me expelled... So now I'm here and I'm going to make an effort to 'behave'." She finished with her hands mockingly doing quotation signs. "I'm also supposed to be in my senior year, but I skipped way too fucking much, and that's why I'm in pretty much all your classes."

"Yeah, I thought you were older than fifteen..." I said softly chuckling.

"Yup, I turn 17 in December." She popped her tongue out of her mouth playfully and then laughed.

"So, what's the deal with you and my brother?" I ask. I think the question surprised her because she nearly choked on her drink.

"What do you mean?" She chuckled.

"I don't know, like do you guys have a thing?"

"Nathan and me? Fuck no!" She laughed. "I like girls. He knows that."

She likes girls. She likes girls!

"Me too." I said, containing all of the excitement inside of me.

"Sick! Girls are fucking sexy, bro."

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