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Mara, Ellie and Billie had come to my house a fine Saturday afternoon. Mara was all up on Billie, being extremely touchy and annoyingly flirty. I was dealing with it fine at first, that is, until Mara decided to make the bold move of kissing Billie's cheek.

I glared at Billie as she shot me an apologetic look. Mara looked at Billie, and then at me, trying to read our expressions.

"Yo, I'm bored let's watch a movie." Ellie said, breaking the awkward tension between the four of us. I pulled out my laptop, handing it to Ellie so that she could pick the movie, and we all got cozy against the headboard of my bed. We decided to watch a silly rom-com.

"Niki, go get some snacks." Ellie demanded.

"Bet." I got up off the bed and made my way to the door.

"I'll come with." Billie said, following me.

"Oh, I'll grab some too-" Mara tried, but Ellie quickly stopped her.

"Dude, we don't need that many people to get a lil bit of snacks, sit down." Ellie piped in. "Jeez, the desperado is showing."

Mara shot Ellie a glare before sitting down next to her again.

Billie and I headed downstairs, and I angrily turned to face her once we reached the kitchen. I just stood there with my arms crossed over my chest, waiting for a response.

"Hey, hey, don't give me that, she kissed me," She pleaded. "And it was only the cheek!"

"Yeah, okay." I scoffed.

"You can't be mad, mama, we ain't even exclusive." She smirked, I turned away from her in disbelief, grabbing a bag of chips and a bowl, while she grabbed some sweets from the pantry.

I mean... she was right.

I had no right to be mad.

But I still was, bitch.

I attempted to rush out of the kitchen, but she grabbed my free arm, and whipped me around, almost causing me to drop the fuckin chips.

She came up close and whispered, "You know I like you... A lot. So don't get it twisted, Nik."

Then she brushed passed me, skipping up the stairs.

She's so frustrating sometimes.

I followed her up the stairs and into my room, sitting beside her and passing the snacks out.

We watched the movie in complete and awkward silence, and I was still quite pressed by the oh-so-friendly kiss that Mara decided to plant on Billie.

My Billie.

Oh god. What is wrong with me? She didn't belong to me...


About halfway through the cheesy rom-com, I guess Billie could sense that I was still upset.

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