Road Trip Problems

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The road trip thus far had been uneventful, and Cry and his friends couldn't be happier by this. Though, that didn't last much longer when Cry slows the truck due to the road being mostly blocked by a black car parked horizontally across the road, and a man standing before it, with sunglasses covering his eyes. Cry frowns and Dan sits up in his seat, "What's up with that?"

"Think they need help or something?" Thomas asks.

"Hey!" the man calls, grinning and waving his arms at them as the truck slows more. Cry's eyes narrow, "He's got a gun."

"What do you want to do?" Dan asks.

Cry stops the truck, but keeps his foot against the gas pedal, ready to floor it at a moment's notice.

"I don't know," he admits, "but our track record with survivors hasn't exactly been that good."

"Yeah.." Dan leans back, glancing at the man as he starts walking towards them.

"Just floor it," Minx says, "We have more important things to do than pick up hitchikers."

"Hey, I picked you guys up." Thomas sighs, "What if he just needs some help? He could be nice."

"I wouldn't bet on it." Minx states.

"That's a nice ride!" the man says as he gets closer.

Cry slams his foot down on the gas pedal and the man jumps to the side, cursing at them as he draws his gun. Cry swerves to get around the car blocking their path, "Everyone get down!"

The sounds of gunshots ring out followed by tires squealing. Cry straightens the truck on the road as his side window shatters, a bullet whizzing just past his head and into the windshield at an angle, creating a large crack down the middle of the large pane of glass. Minx screams as a bullet pierces through the truck door and straight into the back of her left thigh.

"Fuck!" Cry groans, "Is everyone alright?!"

"I got fucking shot!" Minx curses, her body trembling as she grips her leg, having ducked into the floorboard hoping to avoid this exact scenario. Thomas is behind her, having done the same thing as she had, looking at her with fear and worry.

"Damn it, I can't just stop right now," Cry grits his teeth, "Those assholes are following us."

"At least they're not shooting at us now." Dan says dryly.

"Not the point." Thomas groans, "We need to do something, she's bleeding!"

"Cry, Infected!" Dan gasps as a small mob of Infected come sprinting at the truck from a nearby tree-line. Cry shakes his head, "Not stopping, they can't bother us."

"But your window," Minx groans before coughing.

"We'll be fine." Cry assures, "Just.. Get something to try and slow the bleeding, we'll figure out how to fix it better once we're safe from the Infected and those people."

"Looks like we don't have time for that." Dan frowns as Cry has to abruptly hit the breaks, coming up to a pileup full of crashed cars and Infected. He had seen it coming, but was hoping it wasn't as bad as it initially looked. He's proven wrong. He groans, throwing the truck into reverse and backing up just in time to narrowly avoid a group of Infected coming towards his window.

"Not good, not good!" Thomas gasps.

"What do we do?" Dan asks, looking to Cry.

Gunshots ring out, though they're not sure if the car behind them is trying to shoot at them or the Infected. Cry's eyes narrow, there's no time to think of a solid plan, or any kind of plan at all with the Infected coming for them and the idiots shooting behind them. Switching gears, Cry speeds off the side of the road, trying to get around the pileup quickly. Minx groans and curses at Cry's driving skills as the less than smooth ride jostles her, making her injury hurt worse with every movement. Thomas tries to help her, but there's not much he can do. He takes off his backpack and pulls a shirt out from inside, using it to try and help her wrap her leg in an attempt to slow the bleeding as Cry had suggested.

The pileup was larger than Cry had anticipated, but he does his best to try and speed past it. It's not a fun ride, but eventually he's able to pull the truck back onto the main road. They're not alone in that action though, as the black car that had come after them had used the same course of action, and is now following them once again. Dan is the one to notice this time, sighing harshly, "Those people are tailing us again."

"Great," Cry grits his teeth, "Just what we need."

"We'll have to stop to refuel soon," Dan crosses his arms, "We're almost out of fuel as is, if they keep following us.."

"What do we do?" Thomas asks, worried, "What if they attack us again?"

"We'll figure something out." Cry frowns, not liking that he doesn't really know what to do about this situation. They all lapse into silence, and Cry drives on into the night. They don't get shot at again, but they're still being followed.

"We need to stop and switch drivers," Dan speaks up after awhile, "You've been driving since last night."

"We can't stop," Cry replies, "I'm not giving them the opportunity to try and rob us."

"We're going to have to stop soon.." Thomas says softly, "Minx needs help, and like Dan said earlier, we need to get more gas. And you haven't slept since yesterday.. We can't just keep going like this."

"He's right." Dan says, "So stop the damn truck and let me drive. I'm not asking."

"I'm not taking orders." Cry scoffs, "I'm good to keep driving, and besides, we're not even near a town right now, so we'll have to wait on getting more gas and first aid anyway."

"I'm fine," Minx speaks up, "I might not be able to walk for a bit, but I'm not going to die or anything. But they're still right, Cry, you need to let Dan drive and get some sleep."

"If I stop, those people following us are going to try and rob us." Cry urges, "I can't stop right now."

"Damn it, Cry, stop the damn truck!" Minx huffs, "We can handle some idiots wanting to rob us!"

"Can you?" he asks, "In your current condition?"

She scoffs, "I don't need my leg to stab someone."

Cry slows the truck to a stop with a frown, "Fine, but everyone, be careful."

The truck comes to a full stop and the car behind them stops, too. Four men get out of the car and walks towards the truck. Cry grits his teeth, taking off his seatbelt, "Get ready, guys. They've stopped and they're heading for us."

"If we can switch fast enough," Dan starts to say, taking off his seatbelt, "We could get away."

Cry starts to open his door when he's met with a gun to the head, the very man he almost ran over holding the weapon, "Get out of the vehicle, nice and slow and no one gets hurt. Try anything funny, and I'll shoot you right now."

The other three men are standing at each window, all holding a gun of their own. Minx draws her knife carefully, as does Thomas and Dan. Dan glances at Cry, who's trying to do the same without much movement. Cry glares back at the man, We need to do this carefully, or we could all die here. I can't let it all be for nothing.

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