Is It The End of The Road?

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"My name is Virgil."

"What do you mean?" Minx asks.

Thomas, or Virgil, shrugs lightly, looking around at the passengers in the truck with him, "It's a little difficult to explain."

"Can you try?" Cry asks softly from the driver's seat.

Virgil nods, avoiding eye contact with anyone. He sighs, "Yeah, obviously.."

Minx leans back lightly, watching him. She's curious, that's for sure. Virgil takes a deep breath, Minx notices he seems to do that as a way of calming himself down.

"Well, I am Thomas, but.." Virgil won't look anyone in the eye, "Man, Joan could explain this so much better.."

"How.. Did he explain it to you?" Minx asks, "If he did..?"

"They." Virgil mutters bitterly.

"What?" Minx blinks.

"Joan went by they.." Virgil replies.

"Oh, sorry." Minx gives a soft smile.

Virgil sighs, "Anyway.. Do you know what Dissociative Identity Disorder is? This is kind of like that. That's not what Thomas has, but it might as well be. Shortly after all this began, his mind just kind of.. Broke. And this,"

He waves his arms gently, gesturing to himself, "This is what happened. Joan called it a coping mechanism, they made me feel so normal about it.. About being broken.."

"The world is broken," Dan suddenly speaks up, "It makes sense that the people left would be broken, too."

Virgil smiles softly, "Thanks.."

"So," Cry clears his throat lightly, "you're Virgil?"

"Yes." Virgil replies, glancing towards him.

"Are there others like you?" Cry asks, "In Thomas' mind, I mean."

"Yes." Virgil repeats.

"How many?" Minx asks.

"Five." Virgil sighs, stuffing his hands in his jacket pockets again, "They'll make themselves known when they have to, so don't worry about it right now."

"Okay.." Minx leans back, taking all this in. Dan is quiet up front, staring out the window. He wants to go back to sleep, but he's not tired anymore, even though he knows he should be given he hasn't slept that much. Cry is quiet as well, if anything this new information about their newest traveling companion is interesting. He doesn't want to pry though, so he doesn't ask any more questions. If Thomas wanted them to know something, he'd tell them in one way or another.

The truck was silent for a long while after that. Minx ends up falling asleep in the backseat, while Thomas, or Virgil, they can't tell if he's back to being Thomas or not and no one wants to offend by asking, just stares out the window. Dan sighs suddenly, turning to Cry, "Pull over and let me drive, I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep any time soon, so I might as well take my turn and give you a break."

Cry smiles softly, "Alright."

He looks around for a moment, letting off the gas. He parks in the road, keeping an eye out for a few moments more, waiting for something. Shortly after the truck stops, a group of Infected come tumbling out of the woods towards the left side of the truck. Cry nods, "That's what I was waiting for."

Dan gets his knife ready and Cry does as well, starting to roll down the window slowly. Thomas sits up slowly, staring at the Infected clawing and pushing at the truck. Minx is startled awake as one sprints and slams into the window her head was lying against. She yelps and swears, the infected headbuts the glass, smearing blood, snarling at the meal she can't get to. Minx frowns, "Why did we stop? We need to take care of these guys and get out of here."

"We stopped so Dan could take over driving," Cry explains, "We'll take care of our friends here, switch places and be on our way."

He leaves his window half way rolled down and starts stabbing at the faces of the Infected trying to crowd him. The dead woman at Minx's window slams her head against the glass twice more, and the second time it cracks a little. Minx's eyes widen, "Guys."

"I got her." Dan says, carefully getting out of the truck, knife in hand.

Thomas quickly frees his knife from his bag, as well as his arms before he gets out as well, "I'll back you up."

Two of the five trying to get at Cry move towards the back of the truck as the opening and closing of the doors catches their attention. Cry kills two of the group quickly once he can get a good angle around the glass barrier he's using to protect himself, leaving only one left at the window. Dan and Thomas halt at the back of the truck, they can see the two stop at Minx's window with the first woman, all three now clawing at the window. Cry kills the final one at his window and then calls out to the three dead, waving his arm out the window.

The two that left before come stumbling back, but the woman still bashes her head against the glass, determined to get through and eat the living woman that's glaring at her. Cry pulls his arm back inside the truck, watching as the two Infected get back to his window. He moves so he's standing semi-crouched, one knee in the seat and arm raised to stab. Minx scoots more towards the center of the backseat, holding her knife tightly, just in case. Dan moves quickly and grabs the dead woman by her hair, jabbing his knife into her eye as hard as he can.

He releases her and she crumbles to the ground. Minx looks towards the front passenger door as it opens and her eyes widen as it's not Dan that gets in, but an infected man. Minx shouts Cry's name and he turns to her, eyes alert. He turns fully, cursing as he sees the Infected lunge towards him. He's barely able to catch the monster by the upper arms as his knife slips from his grip, keeping the Infected from biting him as he's pushed back against his door. He's pressed against the window handle, pushing it down, causing the window to drop a bit as well and four arms reach inside to get him.

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