It Will Be Okay, They Will Be Okay

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"Should we stay?" Felix asks, they all had been discussing maybe moving on to the town ahead instead of waiting out the horde here.

"Can we really afford to go?" Jack asks, arms crossed and a frown on his face.

"We can't take her with us if we do go," Mark sighs.

They were all standing around where Stephanie sits with Oliver, all except for Nate, who's still sitting beside her. Stephanie looks up at them, her voice soft as she speaks, "If you want to go, then go."

Mark and Jack exchange glances, as do Felix and Ken. Nate's not looking at any of them, just staring at the floor as he tries to control his breathing and the pain that comes from his ragged breaths. Felix frowns, scratching the back of his head. He's at a loss as for what to do now. He doesn't feel safe here, that's true, but he doesn't feel right leaving Stephanie behind, either. He's not alone in that thought, none of them want to leave Stephanie behind, but what choice do they have? If they want to find somewhere better to hold out until the horde passes, they have to get ahead of it, and soon or they'll be staying here. Ken sighs, having to make the hard decision, yet again.

"We go," he says, leaning down and gently pulling Nate to his feet, "Can you walk?"

"Maybe." Nate frowns.

Felix kneels in front of Stephanie, smiling softly. Tears come to his eyes and his voice wavers, "We'll miss you.."

She smiles back, "I'll miss you, too."

She holds the baby out a little and Felix hesitates before taking him from her. He stands again, adjusting his hold on the child now in his arms.

"It might just be easier to carry him for now, Ken." Mark states.

Nate glares at him, "I'm not broken."

"No," Ken sighs, "But you're still recovering, and it hasn't been going that smoothly."

"I probably won't be able to run," Nate counters, "But I'm sure I can walk just fine as long as I'm careful. It just makes breathing hard hurt, that's all. The rest of me still works just fine."

"I don't really want to risk it," Ken replies, "So just let me know if it gets to be too much."

Nate nods, looking away as he's embarrassed and flustered by the idea of having to be carried again. It was one little bullet, and he survived, so they don't have to baby him. He sighs and nods again, "We should leave soon then."

"Is everyone ready?" Ken asks, looking around. Mark and Jack nod, and so does Felix while adding a thumbs up. Nate shrugs lightly, crossing his arms. He doesn't like this, he doesn't want to lose Stephanie before she's even dead. He looks down at her, his dark eyes softening. She looks up at him and smiles softly, "It's okay."

He shakes his head and Ken moves, helping Nate to kneel down so he doesn't agitate his wound by moving around too much. Nate wraps his arms around her tightly, closing his eyes, trying to shut out the tears. She hugs him back, her body trembling. She whispers to him, "It's okay, it really is. I know you can make it, because you're so strong, Nate. You're the strongest person I know. You'll do well, and make us proud.. I know you will."

"You believe in me too much.." Nate states shakily.

"Never," she smiles, moving back and gently pressing her dry, chapped lips to his forehead. He leans back, the tears falling down his face. He sniffles and nods, "I-I'll do my best."

"I know you will." she replies, leaning back against the shelf.

Ken helps him stand again and they all start to say their goodbyes to Stephanie. Once they do, Jack checks to make sure it's safe to leave, before the group walks out of the store, leaving a friend behind against all of their wishes. Stephanie watches them go, watching until she can't see them anymore. It's pitch black inside the store, and just as dark outside, so it doesn't take long before she can't see her friends anymore. She wraps her arms around herself, tears falling down her face. She feels empty without having Oliver with her, but she knows he'll be okay with them.

Surprisingly, she's not afraid to die like she thought she would be. It almost seems peaceful. She's not in much pain, she's just very tired. This is the best way she could have left this world, she supposes. She closes her eyes and leans her head back on the shelf. She sighs softly, Just a nap, and then it will all be over. I'll get to see Matthew again, and then I can tell him everything, and we can look after Oliver together, just like we always wanted. It's okay, everything will be okay. Stephanie dies, no more than an hour later, in a peaceful dream. And the best part is, she didn't come back as one of the Infected. Mark's cure works.

The group of five friends walk in silence, following the road. They know they're not moving as fast as they need to be, but no one says anything about it. They're all upset about leaving Stephanie behind, knowing she was going to die, leaving her to die alone. Nate feels sick about it. He always thought dying wouldn't be so bad, but dying alone, he hates it. He hates that he had to do that to her. Mark just feels guilty, if he had known better, she wouldn't be gone now. 

If he had done better, Oliver wouldn't be an orphan right now. Jack, Felix, and Ken are all saddened by her loss as well. They all spent so much time with her. Stephanie was a good woman, a caring, compassionate person. It hurt to lose her, just as much as it hurt to lose everyone else. The loss just never seems to stop, and it's weighing on all of them. Hopefully, it won't drag them down until they can't take any more. This is what weighs on Ken's mind the most. 

He's become their leader, and as their leader it's his job to make sure they can survive for as long as possible, regardless of circumstance. He has to make sure that they can survive themselves most of all. Grief and guilt can be terrible things, and it's my job to make sure they can survive that, too. Ken glances around at his friends, taking in their expressions and body language. He can see they're hurt, but they're survivors, just like him. For now, at least, he knows they'll be okay.

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