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"Guys, look!" Mark gasps, pointing out Nate amongst the crowd as their friend ducks around the auto shop, "He made it!"

"Good," Ken sighs with relief, "That's good."

"How's he supposed to get out though?" Felix frowns, "He opens a door and the damn zambies will swarm him."

"Maybe if we cause a distraction?" Sean asks.

"No good, then they'll just be after us." Ken says.

"So what should we do?" Mark asks.

"I'm not sure. We'll think of something." Ken frowns.

"We better," Sean sighs, "Nate's depending on us."


Nate looks around as he ventures around the auto shop. It's dark, but he expected that much. He listens, but he doesn't hear anything beyond the dead that's outside. He gets to the body shop and he's surprised to see a few cars. Two of them are suspended by a mechanical lift, so there's no way he's getting to them without power to function the machines holding them in place. The third is just sitting there, accessible to all so he ventures over and peers into the windows, squinting against the darkness.

"I can't see shit," he groans, standing and looking around again. There's barely any source of light coming from the boarded windows. Just enough to make out the general surroundings. He's pretty sure the only one who has a flashlight is Mark, and he didn't think ahead enough to have asked for it. He tries to open the car door, but it's locked and he curses, frowning, "How the hell am I supposed to find a set of keys in this place with no light?"

His eyes can only adjust to the darkness so much and standing silently in the dark is just making him sleepy. He sighs and looks around for any sort of office nearby. If anywhere would have the keys, it'd have to be there.


"Hey.." Felix says, staring off towards the edge of town, "Do you guys hear that?"

"What is it?" Sean looks over at him. They all stare at him in silence as they try to figure out what Felix is pointing out to them. After a moment, they all hear it. The roar of an engine. They all exchange glances, unsure of what to think or do. Soon after, the vehicle comes into view, just barely. A black truck, that's all they can see. Felix frowns and Mark stands, "What should we do?"

"Why do we have to do anything?" Felix asks, "There's no telling who those people could be or what kind of people they are."

"They could be good people." Mark argues, "We have to warn them that it's not safe here."

"By drawing attention to ourselves?" Felix scoffs, "I'd rather not."

"We have to do something." Sean agrees, crossing his arms, "We're on a tall building, so maybe if we just wave our arms they'll be able to see us."

"That's not a bad idea." Ken says.

And just like that, they all stand and start waving their arms frantically in an attempt to warm the truck heading into dangerous territory. They watch the truck stop and they wave their arms more. After a few minutes of this, Mark stops, completely in shock as the truck starts driving again, quickly gaining speed and heading right into the city. The truck takes injected out as it zigzags through the streets.

"I think they're crazier than we are." Sean says, just as shocked.


Nate looks up from searching the office desk when he hears the unmistakable sound of a car engine rev through town.

"Time to go." He mutters, snatching up the box of car keys he finds inside one of the drawers. He runs back to the cars and starts checking keys to see which one will fit. One after another, he fumbles through them, the screams of runners close by puts him on edge.

"Bingo!" he gasps finding the key that opens the door. He tosses the box with the remaining keys and winces lightly at the loud clanging sound it makes when it hits the concrete. He pockets the keys for the car and quickly looks for a way to get the car out of the shop, "There has to be a garage door or something for this place, right?"

He mutters to himself until we finds the door he's looking for. It's a chain pulley door and he groans, "If I use this, I'm gonna die."

The engine still roars outside and it gives Nate an idea. If they can't hear me over the car, I can do this.

"It's still a stupid idea, but it's all I got." Nate takes a deep breath, grips the chain tightly in his hands, and starts raising the door.


Mark, Jack, Felix, and Sean go down the fire escape, using the infecteds distraction to try and get to Nate. They see the auto shop's garage door opening and they just have to hope the vehicle keeps the undead distracted long enough. They make their way across the street as quickly as they can, hopping over some of the dead ones. The truck continues playing keep away with the infected through the streets and Mark can't help but hope whoever is in there knows what they're doing.

They get to the auto shop, taking out a few infected on the way and all duck into the garage. Mark starts immediately helping Nate get the door the rest of the way open as Nate throws Ken the keys wordlessly. Without a word the other three get in the car, Ken taking the driver seat and Sean takes Oliver out of the sheet harness he's been safely snuggled in so Ken will have the room he needs to drive. Mark and Nate take out a few more infected that notice them before starting for the car. They stop, however when the black truck suddenly drives by and stops right in front of the garage door. Mark and Nate turn back and the truck's driver side window rolls down. Cry grins, recognizing Mark immediately, "You guys order a rescue?"

"Holy shit," Mark stares then he breaks into a grin as well, "If it isn't the devil himself!"

"Cry, infected!" Someone calls from inside and Cry turns back in his seat before looking back at Mark, "You guys got a ride or need one?"

"Got one." Nate states.

Cry nods, "Good. Then follow me. Then we can all have a well deserved chat."

The window rolls up and Cry drives off. Mark and Nate quickly get in the car, and Mark leans forward in the back seat, "Step on it, and follow the truck."

Ken looks at him questioningly but does as asked, stomping on the gas and accelerating onto the road, hitting a few infected in the process. More come running for the car and Ken drives after the truck, leaving the city of the dead behind them at last.

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