What Comes Next

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The drive was mostly silent, Cry focused on the road ahead, Dan and Thomas staring out their respective windows. Having Felix in the truck was a welcomed addition, though no one spoke. They didn't need to though, he was their friend, so why would it be an issue? Both groups were basically one now anyway, at least that's how Cry sees it. They were all friends, just trying to survive together now. There was talk of going to Canada, but that wasn't decided on by everyone.

"So," Cry speaks up, "As fun as driving aimlessly is, does anyone know where we should actually be going?"

"No clue." Dan sighs, "Doubt anyone would care what I say either way, though."

Minx frowns, but doesn't say anything against him. She's learned it's better to leave Dan alone when he gets like this, trying to deter him only serves to egg him further on the path his mind was already going. Cry huffs lightly due to Dan's negativity, "We care what you think."

Dan just shrugs and keeps staring out the window. If he focuses, sometimes he can see people walking along, infected and no longer the person they used to be. It's honestly infuriating how many people he's seen infected than actually alive, let alone friendly.

Minx shifts in her seat and speaks up, "Nate said something about going to Canada. The cold might slow the infected down there."

"We could," Felix shrugs, "If it makes life easier to live, I think we should."

"That's a big 'if' we're basing this decision on." Dan purses his lips, "What if it doesn't work?"

"What if it does?" Thomas asks, his eyes lighting up with hope, "I mean, what other ideas do we have? It's not a bad idea to try, at least I don't think so."

"I agree with him, he's right," Minx nods, "Anyone else got any better ideas?"

"We should still talk to the others first," Cry says, "But I agree it might be worth trying. Though, I don't think we have enough gas to make it that far right now."

"So we'll hole up somewhere tonight, and make a run for gas in the morning." Felix smiles, giddy with the prospect of a plan for the first time in what seems like forever.

"We'll see," Cry smirks back at Felix through the rearview mirror, "Let's find somewhere safe and talk it out with Ken and everyone first before we make any rash decisions, yeah?"

Everyone seemed fine with that and the truck falls into silence again. After about an hour's worth of driving, the two vehicles found somewhere to park and hide out for the remainder of the day. Just a simple house in the country just off the road. With any luck it'll be empty, and might even have some supplies they can use. They all file out of the vehicles and approach the house. The front door is locked so they split into two groups and each head around the house to find a way in.

The back door is also locked, but Sean finds a window that can be opened and looks back at the people with him, "Should I just go in and check it out?"

"Buddy system," Mark says, "I'll go with you, who knows what we'll find in there."

"Good, let's get this done so we don't have to stay out in the open like this." Ken nods.

Sean nods and slowly and carefully opens the window, listening for any movement before hoisting himself inside. He lands on the floor in a tuck and roll motion, crouching upright as Mark follows suit. Once they're both safely inside, they take a look around. The room they find themselves in is a dining room, but all the chairs are broken or overturned and the table is askew, against the back wall. There's old bloodstains on the floor and Mark and Sean look at one another, both drawing weapons.

They walk through the next room in silence, an absolutely trashed kitchen. There's blood and what looks to be entrails all over the floor and counters. The once white counters are stained an ugly old and crusty rust brown. The smell alone makes them want to hurl. The scent of must and decay, like rotting garbage left in the sun full of meat. Rancid. Mark covers his nose with his arm as Sean pulls his shirt up over his nose as well before proceeding on. At the very least, they definitely wouldn't be staying here for too long.

The living room was worse. This is where the smell was coming from, bodies strewn across the floor not all in one piece and flies and nats buzzed about the bodies. Sean and Mark exchange a glance, both thinking the same thought. No other way in, so whatever caused all this damage was still inside and they needed to be careful. They ventured to the hall and that's when they hear it. The groans of the infected.

Sean stills, unsure of what to do. He looks to Mark, who nods and they venture forth slowly. Sean quickly leans back against the wall as he finds the source of the noise. Four or five infected have congregated in a room and from the squelching sounds, they appear to be having dinner. Sean looks to the open door, he'd have to take a step inside to close the door. One quick movement, that's all it would take. The infected are distracted, this should be easy. He bites his lip, contemplating his next move. He quickly jumps into the doorway, reaching for the doorknob as quickly as he can.

An infected he hadn't seen standing against the wall beside the doorway sees him and launches itself at him, grabbing and biting into his left arm, taking a chunk of his flesh before Sean can even react. He does react though, a gutteral scream rips through his throat and Mark spurs forward, quickly driving his knife into the infected's head and ripping the diseased corpse from his friend's arm. It all happened so fast, Mark couldn't even see it until it already had Sean in its clutches. Sean's scream alerts the others and in an instant, Mark and Sean are running back through the house for their lives.

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