Something We're All Familiar With; Mistakes

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First off, I am so, so very sorry for how late this update is. I have no real  explanation other than I haven't had much motivation due to other things in my life. I will try to get another update out sometime soon though. Can't promise when, but it won't be a month long wait, I can guarantee at least that. I doubt this was worth the wait, but I still hope you enjoy.


It's been tense since the store incident. Cry and Minx don't talk much, which is awkward for Dan and Thomas, who aren't much of conversationalists themselves. There are multiple times it seems Thomas wants to say something, but he just doesn't, and the awkwardness continues. No one really knows how to diffuse the tension, so it just continues to grow. That night, Cry's driving and he parks the truck on the side of the road to refuel. Thomas and Minx are asleep in the back seats and Dan gets out of the truck with Cry to keep an eye out for the undead while Cry does the refueling via gas cans.

Dan walks over to him, "You and Minx seriously need to talk. This is getting ridiculous."

"What is there to talk about?" Cry sighs, glancing back at him, "I don't hate her, Dan."

"I know that," Dan scoffs, "But does she? Girl's a hardhead, but she's not emotionless, you know. She'll put on a front for as long as she thinks she has to until it kills her. I know you don't agree with what she did, but I do, because I got the same vibe from the guy."

Dan shakes his head, crossing his arms, "Something just wasn't right with him, with that whole situation."

Cry frowns and says nothing for a few moments as he takes in what Dan was saying. He knew his friend had a point, he just wasn't sure if it was the right one. Everyone can say they'll be one way or another in an emergency setting, but no one can really tell how they'll react when it actually happens. The things that are happening, are out of Cry's control, and it's leaving him unsettled. He thought he had adjusted to all of this already, but he feels like he has to continue readjusting at every turn. It's exhausting. Dan watches with a frown, basically seeing the gears in Cry's head turning.

"I don't entirely disagree," Cry says at last, a thoughtful look on his face, "I just.. Killing the dead, the infected, I can rationalize that. But killing other people, people just like us.. It's hard for me to swallow."

"I get it, believe me." Dan sighs, "But she did the right thing, and you have to let her know that you're okay with that."

"I'm not mad at her!" Cry groans, "I just.."

"Whatever you're feeling about her, figure it out fast, before it ruins the both of you." Dan replies before turning and leaning against the vehicle. After a few minutes, he gets back in the front passenger seat. Cry sighs, closing and rubbing his eyes with his free hand. After a few more silent moments, the truck's ready to go and Cry gets back in the driver's seat. He closes the door and looks over at Dan, wanting to say something but he stops himself when he sees Dan's asleep, or at least trying to be. He swallows his words and starts the truck, continuing down the road, swerving around the few wrecked cars that occupy the otherwise empty pavement.


"Do you really think you'll be able to find your friends in California?" Thomas asks Minx with wide eyes the next morning.

Minx shrugs lightly, "I have to believe in something. I mean, if we survived this long, and made it all the way here, surely the others did, too. If I start thinking everyone I knew is dead, well.. I probably wouldn't make it that long."

Thomas nods enthusiastically, "Hope is very important to have!"

Minx smiles lightly back at him, sadness shimmering in her eyes, "I know. That's what Ohm used to say.."

"Ohm?" Thomas tilts his head.

Minx nods, glancing out the window, "Yeah.. He was a good friend of mine, went by Ohmwrecker on youtube, his name was Ryan, but we always just called him Ohm. After my wife died.."

Her hands clench into fists on her lap, "She had gotten bitten, it's how.. How we knew.. Those infected were dangerous.."

Thomas stares with sad eyes, he regrets having asked, but feels it would be rude to interrupt her now. She continues, "Ohm was with her when she died and he.. I know he.. She had turned and.. After that, I just.. I was terrible to him, and he didn't deserve it, he never deserved the way I treated him."

"I'm sure he understood," Thomas says softly, "That he forgave you."

Minx smiles as tears fall down her face, "I know he did. That guy, that adorable idiot.. He couldn't hold a grudge if he wanted to. Hope was his whole thing after the outbreak, he wouldn't let us give up."

Cry's grip on the steering wheel tightens as he silently listens to Minx tell Thomas about Ohm, still unbeknownst to her the promise Ohm held him to. Ohm's last hope for his friends when he knew he couldn't go with them anymore.

"When.." Thomas chooses his words carefully, "did you lose him?"

"A few days before we were able to come here," Minx wipes her eyes, facing Thomas again, "We had been told there was no infection here, and we lost the other three of our group after finding out that was a lie."

"O-oh.." Thomas looks down, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Minx pats him on the shoulder, "We've all lost people by now, that's just how it is."

Thomas looks back at her, but nothing more is said. The truck is silent except for the hum of the engine for awhile. Thomas finally speaks up again, "Anyone hungry?"


Thomas was driving that night, with Dan navigating, leaving Cry and Minx in the back together. Dan had taken to navigating just so he could keep his mind busy. He hated idle chatter now, and he just wanted an excuse not to talk about everything that's happened. Cry and Minx sat next to each other in awkward silence, Dan's soft voice as he read the map by flashlight, a mere buzz in the background noise to them.

The tension was finally enough. Cry sighs, about to start an apology he's been preparing all day, when Minx cuts him off. She turns to him with determined eyes and a concerned expression, "I'm sick of this. I'm tired of us not getting along, so what do I have to do to make things right?"

Cry is suddenly at a loss for words, just staring at her in shock. She frowns, gripping her seatbelt. He averts his eyes, composing himself before glancing back at her, "Michelle.. You don't have to do anything. I'm the one who should apologize. I know everything you've done has been to protect us, and I should have known better than to judge you. Nothing is simple, nothing is black and white when it comes to this world. I'm not mad at you, and I'm sorry if I made you feel.. Anything bad about yourself. You're my best friend, and I know you're not a bad person."

It's Minx's turn to be shocked. After a moment, she smiles softly, "Thanks. Apology accepted, you big sappy loser."

Cry chuckles, leaning back in his seat. He sighs softly, "I'm glad that's resolved."

"Me, too," she nods, "I can't really afford to hold a grudge when I could lose any of us at a moment's notice."

The truck falls into silence once again, but for the first time in days, there's no more tension. Only a calm peace. Minx looks back out the window, a weight lifted from her chest. Cry looks out his window as well, and Dan and Thomas exchange quick looks. All four glad that the tension is finally done with between them. Surely now, as they pass into Georgia, only good fortune can continue to find them.

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