I'm Alone, and You're Afraid

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They weren't kidding when they said the floor they're staying on is littered with infected wandering the halls. Nate leaves the room, with Mark right behind him, leaving Felix and Jack behind to watch over Oliver, as well as to make sure they have a safe place to come back to once Ken is found. Nate moves and opens the nearest door, and breathes out a sigh of relief upon finding it empty of infected. 

He and Mark quickly enter the room, shutting and locking the door behind them. Nate looks around, it's a storage room with a single window shining late day sunlight in on them. He frowns and looks around, "We're going to need something more than a kitchen knife to make it down this hallway."

"I don't see anything that useful in here, do you?" Mark asks.

Nate shakes his head, "Let's just play this smart then. We don't have to kill them if we can get past them fast enough, right?"

"There's no guarantee," Mark frowns, "And you can't even run."

"Then we need a distraction so we can check the rooms up here without a problem." Nate replies.

"What kind of distraction? And where would we lead them?" Mark shakes his head, "We just need to fight our way to Ken and then get back to the room."

"With what army, Mark?" Nate sighs, "The infected still attack you, and like you said, I can't run. So as immune as you may be, you can still die, and then what would that fix? Absolutely nothing."

"Then what magical plan do you have that you haven't told me about?" Mark scoffs, crossing his arms.

"We split up, one leading the infected away while the other checks the rooms." Nate replies, "It's the best chance we've got."

Mark nods, though he doesn't look happy.

"Don't go sacrificing yourself," Nate says, "There's a fire escape on this side of the building, if you can, go for it as soon as you can. We haven't seen these guys climb, and if they do try to climb after you, it won't be too hard to take them out once you're safe."

Mark nods again before unlocking the door and heading out into the hallway. Nate shuts the door and leans against it, listening. He can hear Mark yelling and making noise and the rush of footsteps. He leaves the room a few moments later and his plan worked, there's no sign of Mark, or the infected that were roaming the hall. He can still hear the infected at the stairs at the end of the hall, he can see their grotesque hands reaching through the bars, hear the creaking of the fence. It really won't hold them for long. 

He hurries down the hall as quickly as he can, opening door after door, but still no Ken. He opens one door close to the stairs and gasps, trying to slam the door back shut as the group of infected inside turn towards the door. Sprinters, screaming and slamming into the door as Nate barely gets it shut in time. He shudders as they continue to howl and slam against the door, hurrying on.

He yelps as he's startled by the gate at the stairs, crashing loudly to the floor. The infected pour into the hall from the stairs, all of them coming straight for Nate. His face pales as his heartbeat quickens and he starts to tremble as adrenaline takes over with the fear of death staring him in the face. He steels himself, takes a deep breath, and takes off in a sprint down the hall. Pain explodes all over his torso, but he ignores it, holding his breath as the tears sting his eyes.

Suddenly, he's grabbed and pulled into a room, letting out a scream. He falls to the floor as the room he's now trapped in is slammed shut. He groans, coughing and gasping for air as the pain continues to spread pain all over him. Ken kneels beside Nate, wide eyes filled with worry, "Sorry, are you alright?"

Nate shudders, rubbing his eyes. Ken helps him sit up, waiting for an answer. Nate coughs again and nods. Holding onto Ken, Nate pulls himself to his feet and Ken stands as well. Banging at their door tells them the infected saw where Nate went. Nate trembles, staring at the door as he continues to tremble, his nerves shot and his body in pain due to the strain he willingly put on it to escape.

"Nate..?" Ken looks worried, standing beside him, "Hey, don't look so scared."

Nate doesn't look at him, breathing heavy and feeling faint. His voice is a whisper when he speaks, "He's right.. We're trapped.. We're all going to die.."

"Look at me," Ken demands and Nate turns to him in panic. Ken puts both his hands on his friend's shoulders, "Everything will be okay, we'll get through this just like we've gotten through everything so far."

Nate shakes his head, tears in his eyes, "How could you possibly know that?"

"I have faith in our friends," Ken replies, "And all you need to do is have faith in me. Okay?"

Nate nods slowly, "O-okay.."


"Minx, we need to talk." Cry crosses his arms.

She turns to him, raising an eyebrow lightly, "What about?"

"Why.. Did you kill that guy?" Cry sighs, he just looks sad now, "He was just looking for food."

"He was scouting us," Minx replies, glaring, "Didn't you notice how he looked at us, asked how much food we have? Do you seriously believe I'd kill anyone who isn't a threat to us?"

Cry frowns, "Honestly, Michelle.. I'm not so sure about that."

Minx's eyes widen lightly, her hands clenching to fists in her lap. Her voice breaks lightly, "You.. You really.. Think that lowly of me now..?"

Cry sighs, looking away, "It's not like that.."

"Then what is it like?" she asks, fighting the tears trying to fill her eyes. She's never felt more betrayed than she does in this moment, when Cry of all people no longer trusts her. Cry glances back at her, "Minx.."

"No," she turns away from him, staring out the window of the truck, closing her eyes so he can't see the tear that falls down her face, "I get it, Cry. I'm a murderer, right? Because I killed those raiders back home, and I killed that man earlier.."

"Minx, I--" Cry tries, but Minx opens her eyes, snapping back at him, glaring at him, "Just leave it. Once we find our friends, I'll be on my way so my psycho murdering tendencies don't bother you anymore."

Cry frowns, "Michelle, it's not like that and you know it. I let you kill the raiders because they were a threat, but you've been different since then and.. That was my fault. I never should have just let you take all that responsibility on alone."

Minx chuckles darkly, "Oh? So, you're trying to play the hero now? Going to save the poor, misguided survivor who'd rather take others' lives than risk her friends?"

"Minx.." Cry stares back at her, "Don't be like this, you're getting my words all wrong."

"Then, please, explain it to me." she snarls back at him, turning back to the window. 

"I'm sorry.." Cry says softly, "It didn't come out the way I meant it. I don't.. Think you're a bad person, I never did."

"You just don't think of me the same way." Minx replies, "It's okay, Cry. Neither do I."

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