Moving Forward Part Two

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The sun would be setting all too soon and they really have to get moving. The biggest problems are Nate's ability to run, and the cooing baby strapped to Ken's chest. Sneaking around really isn't a viable option, but neither is running out guns blazing with their limited ammo and way too many infected in the streets. While sticking to the rooftops seems to be the best option, there's no way they can actually do that. Ken scratches his beard, his eyes scanning the horizen.

"So?" Felix asks nervously, "What do we do now?"

"Do you think any of those cars down there work?" Mark muses, staring over the edge of the fire escape he's crouched in front of.

"I wouldn't bet on it," Nate says, "You'll probably die before you get to check anyway."

"Probably.." Mark chuckles, shrugging.

"There might be a car that does work." Ken says suddenly, pointing out to the auto shop across the street from them, "See that? There could be cars in there, and it looks pretty secure so they probably work."

"That's a big if," Sean walks over to the fire escape, "Getting across the street to begin with won't be easy, and those doors better not be locked or we're dead anyway."

"It's worth a shot isn't it?" Ken asks, smiling softly, "It's better than running aimlessly in a city of the dead, yeah? A car would be a lot more useful in making our escape and putting distance between us and here."

"Still, what if we get there and it's locked and we can't get inside?" Felix asks, "What if we do get inside but there's nothing there? We'll be sitting ducks, again or dead."

"We could send someone over to check." Nate says, "That way we'll know for sure, and we won't be risking the whole group."

"What?" Felix scoffs, "That's suicide!"

"No, he's got a point." Sean adds, "One person can sneak over and check for a way in. As long as whoever goes is careful and quiet, there shouldn't be a problem."

"Or you'll get noticed right away and torn to shreds." Felix frowns, "It's a terrible idea."

"Have you seen the dead climb?" Nate asks, "Cause I haven't. Whoever we send, if they get spotted, they can just run back and climb back up."

"But the ladder doesn't go all the way to the ground!" Felix shakes his head, "It's not going to work!"

"Keep your voice down." Nate hisses and Felix glares, but lowers his voice, "I think this is stupid. I'm not running out there to die."

"One person, or all of us, it's the only solid plan we've got." Nate says.

"Make another plan." Felix argues.

"I like this plan." Mark says, "It's a long shot, but it's better than nothing and we don't have the time to debate and come up with something else if we want to get out of here tonight."

"All in favor?" Sean asks, raising his hand.

Mark and Ken raise their hands followed by Nate. Felix glares at all of them, "You're all suicidal. I'm not entertaining it, I'm sure as hell not doing it!"

"You're with us," Nate says, "Or you're on your own. Your choice, Felix."

"Fuck you, you are not leaving me here!" Felix growls.

"Voices," Sean says, causing Felix to once again lower his voice, "It's a stupid plan."

Nate just stares at Felix intently, asking, "Are you in or out?"

Felix groans, giving in because he doesn't want to be alone, "Fine. I'm in. But I'm not the one that's going to run out there to be eaten."

"No big deal," Nate shrugs, "Because I'm going."

"But you're injured," Mark protests.

"And if this doesn't work and I die, it's better me than you, or Ken, Sean, or even Felix." Nate replies, "Healthier bodies live longer and all that."

"If it gets bad for you," Ken says solemnly, "I'll take you out, I won't let you turn, or at the very least I won't let you suffer."

Nate looks at him and he frowns lightly but nods. He sighs, pulling his pistol from the side pocket of his backpack, "Thanks, but if I can, I'll do the deed myself."

Without another word, Nate holsters his pistol and makes his descend down the fire escape. He groans softly as he drops down the foot or two that's left and he flattens himself against the wall, holding his breath. He waits, and once nothing comes for him, he knows he's safe to move. Getting across the street is going to be the hard part, but as long as he stays unseen, he should be golden. He ducks into the shadows and goes back around the building to his left to look for a better crossing point. Ken holds his shotgun at the ready, crouching near the edge of the roof to keep an eye out.

Nate holds his breath to negate the pain in his lungs for a few moments as he runs around the building. Leaning against the building he quietly catches his breath before searching for a way across. He sees a few broken down cars scattered across the road, could be good cover if there weren't infected near them. He crouches and waits, watching the infected wander aimlessly by. He starts to move, but stands still as an infected man passes right in front of him. Nate's eyes widen, reaching for his knife.

He draws it, ready to attack, but he's left bewildered as the infected just walks right by him. Did it not see me? It had to have.. Nate frowns and focuses on the task at hand. He crossed the street as quickly as he can, taking out a few of the infected that are too close to the cars he wants to hide behind. His bewilderment only continues when the few infected he's killed hadn't tried to kill him, either. He shakes his head to clear it and continues on. Before he knows it, he's across the street and he allows himself a breath of relief.

He stays low and makes his way to the auto shop Ken had pointed out. He gets to the door and jerks around to the corner of the building to hide from a few injected that come his way. He watches them walk right passed the alleyway he's in. What the fuck? They didn't see me? They must be becoming blind, decaying or something.

Nate follows the alley, looking for a back door, since it would be safer. Thankfully, he finds one, but when he tries to open it, it's locked. He swears softly and looks around, looking for something to break in with. He finds a discarded crowbar and and picks it up, returning to the door. He tries to break the door open as quietly as he can, and he's able to get in without too much noise. Some noise got the attention of the infected and he darts into the auto shop, closing the door behind him. Well, I'm in.

Nate sighs, "Now what?"

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