Not Everyone Is An Enemy

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"This is so fucking good!" Cry grins widely, opening the door of an abandoned car that's seemingly in perfect condition. Minx stands next to him while Dan stands on the other side, opening the passenger side door. Minx frowns, leaning in and peering in through the back windows, "There doesn't seem to be anything inside that I can see."

"No blood," Dan states, "That's gotta be a good sign."

"I'll say," Cry leans in, looking around the driver's side, opening the middle compartment between the seats. He pulls a set of keys out, looking across at Dan, "Think these are for the car?"

Dan frowns, weary, "I don't know.. Doesn't this all seem too easy?"

"What do you mean?" Cry asks, backing up so he can stand outside the car again.

"Finding the car, in good condition, with no evidence of whoever had it first." Dan explains, mirroring Cry's actions, "It's all too convenient, don't you think?"

Cry frowns, "Perhaps."

He looks around, then back at his friends, "But I don't see anyone around, and there's nowhere to hide if this was some kind of ambush."

"Maybe it's just out of gas," Minx speaks up, "Maybe that's why it was left behind. There doesn't seem to be any supplies or anything in the car, so maybe whoever had it just left it."

"If it's out of gas, it's of no use to us." Dan states, crossing his arms as he looks around wearily, "Even so, I don't like this. It just feels.. Off."

"Pop the trunk," Minx moves around to the back of the car, "Let's see if there's any gas cans or anything left. If it does just need gas, we could just go back to the gas station and---"

"That wouldn't work," Dan shakes his head as Cry moves to do as Minx requests. Dan continues, "After this long, I highly doubt there'd be any gas left. We'd need to siphon gas at best, and this is the first car we've seen since leaving Miami. That alone doesn't feel right, I can't be the only one seeing how wrong this all is?"

The trunk opens as Cry walks over, "I agree with you, but we don't know what happened here. Fort Lauderdale didn't have walls like we saw before, so maybe the military was manning the place, trying to stop the infection and that's where all the cars are."

"Trunk's empty," Minx sighs, closing the trunk, "Got the keys? Let's see if it runs at all."

"I don't think we should," Dan groans, "The noise will draw the infected and we have nowhere to hide should we be ambushed, by infected or otherwise. We should just keep going."

Minx and Cry exchange glances. They both know Dan's not wrong to be careful, they agree this scenario isn't entirely normal, but can they really afford to pass up a working car? Dan's face pales, "Guys, do you hear that?"

Beyond the sounds of the far off roaming dead, there's a faint roar of an engine. Cry frowns, looking around to try and pinpoint its location. Minx looks around as well, they're standing on the only road beyond the one leading straight into Fort Lauderdale. They have nowhere to hide, they're sitting ducks here, they'll be seen before they could get away. There's nothing but farmland around them at the current point, only the car they're standing around on the road. Cry groans, "Get in the car, hide down on the floor, make yourselves as small as you can."

"You think we both can fit down there?" Dan scoffs, "I'm small, but I'm not that small."

"Lock me in the trunk," Minx says, "You keep the keys on you and I'll be okay."

Cry quickly goes back and opens the trunk again and Minx takes off her backpack and climbs in. Cry and Dan put their backpacks in there as well so they can hide as best they can in the floors of the car. Cry turns to Dan, changing his mind, "Get in with her, there's plenty of room for the both of you. One of us has to stay out so it can be unlocked."

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