Getting To Know One Another

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The low hum of the truck as they drove down the road in the middle of the night was all that they could hear as Dan was asleep in the front passenger seat and Cry was driving. Minx and Thomas sat sideways in the back seats, staring across at each other. The headlights were off, mostly to hide themselves from the infected that they know will try to follow the noise. Minx and Thomas are trying to play cards in the dark, using their free hand to show what number they are looking for and who gets to Go Fish.

Cry glances at them in the rear-view mirror, smiling softly as he shakes his head. He's glad that they're getting along well at least. It's about time they came across another a good survivor. This makes him think of the military group that brought them over, how they don't know it's not safe here. He almost wants to go back to warn him, but he knows there's no real way to do that. He just hopes they'll be able to figure it out, or at the very least that they and the people they help continue to survive.

Dan was reading the map for him, but Dan's been asleep for awhile now, so Cry's just trying to keep an eye on the road and any signs they might pass. Navigating isn't that hard for him, especially as long as he has someone giving him directions. But reading a map himself, forget it. Signe did most of the map reading for him when he needed it. Thinking about Signe puts a heavy feeling in his chest, and it just reminds him of everyone else they've lost, all over again.

He'd wonder when that would stop happening, but he knows it won't be any time soon so he doesn't bother with it. He really just hopes they find their friends sooner rather than later, and that he finds at least some of them alive. He knows Felix was going to Mark's party, they had talked about it. It had been way too long since they had spent any real time together, all due to all that PewdieCry stuff that went absolutely crazy. It all seemed so far away now, and he just hopes his friend is still alive.

Because that's all Felix was to him, a friend. A really good friend, and Cry just wants at least some of his friends to survive this hellish world with him. They deserve it, no one deserves to die as the people he's lost already have. He wants to hope he'll find everyone alive, but he knows that's not possible. He has to prepare for the fact that people most likely have died. He knows he shouldn't try and make a list of who might be alive, or who might be dead, that will only make him crazy. So he doesn't, he just clings to the thought that maybe he'll run into people he knows.

After awhile, Thomas puts the cards away and Minx laughs softly. She whispers, "That was fun."

He smiles back, "It really was."

"Maybe Dan will play with us next time," Minx offers.

"Yeah," Thomas chuckles, "Next I won't wait until he's fallen asleep to ask."

"I'll beat you both if you invite me to play," Cry smirks.

Minx grins, "Look who's cocky now."

Thomas laughs, covering his mouth to try and stifle the sound, "We definitely all have to play together sometime."

"Definitely," Minx agrees.

Cry chuckles lightly, "Good luck getting Dan to agree, I don't think he likes the idea of.. Normalcy anymore."

Minx sighs, "That's just.. Sad."

"It happens," Cry shrugs.

Thomas nods slowly, "Well.. We just need to invite him every time until he decides to play. It can't hurt."

Minx looks at him thoughtfully. Thomas seems a little different to her at this moment. He looks more shy in the position he's sitting, his eyes are somehow softer than just moments before. He almost seems like a different, softer version of himself. She shrugs it off, no one will be totally normal anymore, she's sure she doesn't always look the same as before all this to Cry or Dan. She watches Thomas fidget lightly and she raises an eyebrow.

"What's the matter?" she asks softly.

Thomas glances back at her and he looks worried now, "U-um.."

He swallows and looks away. Minx leans forward a bit, "Thomas? What's up?"

Her eyes narrow, "You're not bitten or anything, are you?"

"Wh-what?" Thomas looks back at her, eyes widening, "No, no! I'm not bitten, I'm completely healthy!"

Cry glances at them in the rear-view mirror, frowning, "What's with the yelling?"

Dan sits up, startled as he looks around, "Who's bitten?!"

"No one!" Thomas snaps, holding his hands over his ears, his eyes shut tight.

Minx frowns, "Okay.. Then what is wrong?"

Dan frowns back at them, "I was sleeping, not cool, guys."

Cry sighs, "Go back to sleep, Dan, you're still driving in the morning."

Dan grumbles softly before leaning back in his seat and trying to go back to sleep. Minx unbuckles her seat belt and moves closer to Thomas, taking his wrists gently and pulling them from his ears. He resists, opening narrowed eyes. He seems different to her, yet again. He's rigid, his arms are shaking, his hands in fists. He's glaring at her with darker eyes. Minx stares back at him with gentle, but serious eyes, "Thomas? What's got you so worked up all of a sudden?"

"You can't judge me.." he replies quietly, his voice even sounds a little different, a little deeper, almost gravely.

She nods, "I won't judge you."

Thomas glances towards Dan and Cry and Minx smiles softly, "They won't, either."

He sighs softly, looking back at her. He seems to relax a bit, but not enough. Minx releases his wrists and tilts her head, watching him and waiting for his explanation. He looks away, clicking his tongue lightly, "First of all.."

He wrings his hands together in his lap, continuously glancing between her face and the floorboards. She nods to encourage him, but he's still silent. She gives him a soft smile and he takes a deep breath, not looking at her at all now. He takes another deep breath before finally glancing back at her. His dark eyes are narrowed and cautious, just like when Cry put his gun away and Thomas noticed his movements almost a day earlier.

"My name isn't Thomas," he replies lightly, "Well, it is, but it's not.. It's.. Kind of complicated."

Minx stares at him in confusion and Cry is watching them from the rear-view mirror yet again, listening patiently. Dan is also listening, but he's mostly just trying to go back to sleep. Thomas sighs heavily, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets. He's almost glaring at Minx, almost daring her to oppose him, "My name is Virgil."

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