Chapter thirty seven

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Full moon


Tonight was a full moon. No one knows that i know yet. About Remus. Not even Remus knows. That i know. About him being a werewolf. I knew for sure Sirius and James know. They were very overprotective the time he was sick. Well not really sick, but that's what I thought at the moment. I know i can't really help him over the night, but i can help the next day. I probably won't sleep much. I'll ask Lily ig she wants to do something, since James and Sirius will probably be with Remus somewhere.

'Hey. What are you thinking about?' Marlene asked

'Oh... Nothing. Just thinking. What are you doing?' i asked

'Don't worry. No one's here. Wanted to see if you wanna do something tonight.' Marlene said

'I- I need to talk to Lily. I wanted to spend some time with her. I'll write you a note, but i don't think tonight would be a good idea.' i said
'Sorry. Have to go. See you later.'

I went up to the clock tower and waited for the full moon. I saw James, Sirius, Pettigrew and Remus sneaking out of hogwarts. They were going towards the forbidden forest.
I went outside and followed them. They went into a cave. I followed them as much as i could. I couldn't see them, but heard them talking. It started getting darker.

'Okay. Now remember. This time, let me tied up.' i heard Remus say

'Sure Moony.' i heard James say

I heard someone screaming in pain. It was probably Remus turning. I read the transition can be very painful. Hearing him in pain was hurting. And i couldn't do anything about it. I was listening to his screams, trying to stay quiet. I don't really know why I was still there. I couldn't help him. I couldn't do anything, but listen to him being in pain.

After a few minutes the screams stopped. He was now in his werewolf form.

'Okay. Pads, Wormtail and i will change now and then you let him go and change as well.' i heard James say

Change? Change into what? What does he mean?

'Sure.' i heard Sirius say

I wanted to see more, but i couldn't let myself getting caught.

I heard someone coming towards me, so i hid behind a big rock. Still trying to see what's going on.

I saw a werewolf coming out and i was expecting for James, Sirius and Pettigrew to follow him. But instead there were a black dog, a stag and a rat following him.

Is that... Them?

They went out in the forest and i followed them. I couldn't follow them everywhere, since they were way faster. Remus seemed alright for now. It was really cold outside.

I should probably go back in. I mean i can't really do much. Or anything, actually. Thankfully we won't have school tomorrow. Some people are visiting hogsmeade with Professor McGonagall. But not everyone has to go. I know Marlene is going.

I really should go back inside. It's cold. And even tho Remus would not hurt me, other werewolves might.

Animagus. We learned about it in third year.

I went back to hogwarts and went to the library. No one was there, since it's the middle of the night.
I know there was a book about Animagus here somewhere. I just needed to find it. I was looking through the transfiguration section and i found the book "Guide to Animagus" i took it and started reading it. I couldn't go to my room so i stayed there.

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