The Talk

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After dinner, everyone gathered in their pajamas to watch Lolly's favorite TV show. Barnaby was amazed.
"So there's not little people in that box right?"
"No" I laughed. "those people are on a soundstage and they record them and send it to all the TV's"
"Are those old ladies talking about what I think they're talking about?" he whispered to me about halfway through the show
"What do you think they're talking about?" I whispered back giggling
Barnaby's face got red, but he didn't answer. After the show, Barnaby came up to my room to talk before bed.
"Don't you think they could all be sorted at Hogwarts?" I asked
"Sophia would DEFINITELY be in Slytherin"
"What about Blanche? What's the sluttiest house?"
"Gryffindor" we both said at the same time erupting into fits of giggles
"I can't believe they just talk about ... you know... out in the open"
I raised my eyebrows
"My Gran would never...."
I laughed "So who gave you 'The Talk'?"
"I guess nobody. The older guys in the dorms talk..."
"Oh my god thats horrifying"
"Any more horrifying than have your parents talk about it?"
"True" I laughed "That why we left my house so fast to come here. I didn't want my mom to say anything stupid. Like how handsome you are or anything about safe sex"
"You really think I'm handsome then" he said raising his eyebrows
I play smacked him with my pillow, both of us laughing
"Is that normal in families? To be open about that stuff?"
"I don't know, for mine it is. We were always really open about everything, but when Jacob went missing, things changed. My parents were gone more and they barely spoke to me. I guess that's how it always was for you." I blinked back tears. He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. "I hate thinking about you growing up alone and without love. And yet you turned out so loving. How did that happen?"
"I dunno. I guess meeting you was a turning point. Before that all I cared about was being the kind of person my parents would be proud of, even if that meant pretending to be someone I'm not...but you saw through that and liked who I really am."
I put my head on his shoulder and he ran his fingers thru my hair gently.
"I like your hair like this" he said quietly
"Really? I usually straighten it"
"Yeah it fits your personality when you're"
I smiled "I do feel free here."
"It's getting late, I think we better get to sleep"
He grabbed my hand and pulled me up close to him. I wrapped my arms around him and slipped my hands under his shirt on his lower back. I needed him to kiss me again. I needed to see if the fireworks I saw last time were a fluke. Something that only happens with a first kiss. I hoped they weren't, I couldn't bear not feeling that ever again. I looked up begging for him to kiss me again. Before I could even finish the thought, his lips were on mine. It was even better than the first time. I could barely breathe. I could barely stand. When we parted, I rested my head on his chest and he caressed my hair. Neither of us wanted to move. I'm not sure I could have if I wanted to. My legs had turned to jelly again.
"We should...go to bed..." he finally whispered but neither of us moved
"What are we doing?" I whispered after a minute or two
"I don't know" he sighed "What do you want? Do you want this? Us?"
"More than anything. But what about when we are back at school? What about the Vaults. Im so close to finding Jacob. I just know it"
"And I will be there to help you and protect you. Why don't we go to bed and talk in the morning."
He kissed my forehead and went across the hall to his room.
I went to bed, but I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about what Bill said. I know how Barnaby felt. I feel the same way, but my life is so complicated. I never want to do anything to hurt Barnaby. I also don't want to risk ruining our friendship. But if we walk down this path, I'm not sure I could go back to being just friends. I think we have already taken a couple steps down the path to be honest. Sorry Bill, but I think we already started something...and I don't want to take it back.

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