Chapter 1: Thks fr th Mmrs

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Maddie's POV

My name is Maddie. You're probably wondering how I fit into all this. I lived all alone. My Mom was stationed over seas, and my Dad was out of the picture. I lived in the house my Mom left to me by myself. Nothing exciting ever happened.

Nowhere to go, and no one to know. I mostly kept to myself, until... they happened. The boys. I tend to see a lot of them now, mostly on billboards, fliers, and magazines. But part of me still remembers the life before the fame.

It was the fall of '01, I was 16... we all were... except for Mikey.


"I'll have a strawberry milkshake and a Swiss mushroom burger, please."

"Coming right up." The waiter said. I pulled out my phone and began to search for possible job opportunities. The waiter came back and handed me my food. I grabbed my straw and took a sip of sweetness.

I was just about to bite into my hamburger when two boys, both clad in black, came in a ball of arms and legs. Wrestling they threw themselves around the small courtyard of Bob's Café, and ultimately crashed into me. I fell back into my chair and the three of us crashed on to the cold hard pavement covered in what was my lunch.


"Gee! You're freakin crushing me, get up!"

"Never Mikey! But seriously bro you're so weak."

I pushed through a pair of legs and arms to make a hole for my voice. "Would both of you please get off of me! I can't...breathe!" Suddenly the weight was lifted and I was facing two boys, possibly related. One had jet-black hair that reached down to his eyebrows. The other one looked younger with a pale boyish face, he had tawny hair that was silky straight and average length. They both wore black band t-shirts and black skinny's complete with matching beat up converse and dark hoodie's.

The one who I guessed was 'Gee' helped me up. I dusted excess milkshake and food from my clothes, fuming.

"Ugh, boys!" I growled as I grabbed my bag and began to storm away passing a table with two other "emo" boys, roughly the same age, staring after me a little taken aback. Where am I gonna find new clothes, I thought. My face turned red as I dived into the nearest clothing store, thank goodness it was on the boardwalk.

I bought a charcoal grey loose fitting tank, and some dark wash skinny jeans. Oh great, it got in my hair! I slowly fingered through my hair trying to get most of the gunk out of it and pulled it up in a messy bun. Finally satisfied I walked out confidentially to find a decent roller coaster on the boardwalk. The mini fair they had running was always my go to place for fun.

"EXCUSE ME! MISS! HEY YOU!" I heard a male voice call far off. Not knowing he was talking to me, I continued walking. I heard then an out of breath voice close to me. "Hey you left your phone at the café." The voice said as he tapped my shoulder to turn me around. I came face to face with one of the "emo" boys from one of the café tables. He flashed a friendly smile and handed my phone to me. His light brown eyes twinkled behind a pair of black nerdy glasses.

"I'm Brendon." he said as he extended his hand with nervous excitement.

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I don't know what I would have done without it." I replied taking it gratefully. I shook his hand in return. "I'm Maddie." I smiled and blushed instantly looking down. I wasn't a fan of social interaction.

"Hey Brendon where'd you go?" another boy jogged towards us. "I was looking everywhere for you, oh hello, and you are...?" he said turning the charm on and facing me.

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