Chapter 9: DESTROYA

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Brendon's POV

We all walked into the laser tag place. Everyone was talking amongst themselves in case we were allowed to pick our own teams. Boy were the guys gonna enjoy this. It was like a video game. I offered to pay although Maddie insisted she pay. Eventually we payed together. In my mind we were a power couple. The instructor told us all the rules and then separated us into teams.

I wasn't in the same group as Maddie, but instead I was placed with Spencer, Pete, Frank, Twaimz, and Gerard. The opposing team was made up of Maddie, Patrick, Mikey, Ray, Ryan, and Bob. Everyone suited up and we were let out into the battlefield. This is where awesomeness happened. 

Patrick's POV  

I was thrilled to be on Maddie's team. I kept trying to tell myself to stay away from her. After all she belonged with my best friend. I couldn't do this to him. But I can't help it. She's amazing. I saw her differently now, i coukdnt get her out of my heaf. I flanked her side along with Bob. The three of us separated out into the foggy battleground. We were the blue team, and the red team was our target. 

Gerard popped out and attempted to shoot me, but I zapped his chest first. He looked at me and playfully said "You're unbelievable, uh so unbelievable." I smiled and disappeared around a corner. Maddie found a bonus target and zapped away. I saw Brendon sneak up behind her and get her shoulder. Maddie gasped and laughed. "You're  paying for that!" She yelled as she gave chase. I smiled and took her position for bonus points.

Maddie's  POV  

I was having so much fun! It felt good to be out of the house. I could tell the boys were having the best time ever. Mikey ran by me screaming, "DESTROYA!" Was that even a word? Oh well. I saw Brendon a ways off attacking Ray. He had cornered him so he was getting a lot of hits. I smiled. 

He was such a nice guy. I wondered about his mysterious  past that I was afraid to ask about. I just stood there lost in thought.

Patrick's  POV  

I just arrived from shooting Pete, when I saw Maddie just standing in the open. She seemed really lost in thought. I was about to make my way over when I saw Frank coming full force in Maddie's direction. Neither one of them noticed each other. I sensed a bad collision. I knew what I had to do. I ran towards her yelling "Look out Maddie!" I quickly shoved her out the way just in time. Frank rammed into me full force and I felt the blunt hit of his laser gun sock me across the face.

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