Chapter 13: It's Almost Halloween

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Maddie's POV

I woke up earlier than the boys which was no surprise. They could sleep through anything. I knew that I had lots of preparing to do if I was going to throw a Halloween extravagansa. I got up and quietly got ready. I decided that I would go get supplies on my own. I picked through what money I had and sighed. I needed a job. With some extra house guests I was going to need it. I hopped in my car and set out to town.

Since Halloween wasn't too far off, most of the stores were beginning to have decorations out. I drove into the local Walgreens. In the back they had a Halloween section that was bound to have something good. I wasn't disappointed at all. I collected some spiders, and cobwebs, along with some lights. I was hoping the boys would be willing to help me set up, but seeing their reactions yesterday was convincing enough.

I noticed a very bored looking guy slouching behind the check out counter. He must've been new because I'd never noticed him working before. I headed his direction with my arms full of things nearly dropping some spiders in the process. I dumped my load on the counter and smiled at the guy. "Check out please!" I said. The guy stood up to his full height which was extremely tall, at least he had a few good feet on me. I glanced at his crooked name tag and made out the letters. 'Dallon' it read.

"Lot of stuff you've got here. Party?" This Dallon raised an eyebrow at me as he began to lazily scan items.

"Well, hopefully. It's a work in progress." I grinned sheepishly.

"Must be huge seeing you have enough stuff to throw a party for a high school." He joked.

"Stop judging me! It's an elementary school anyway." I played along laughing. That caused a smirk on Dallon's face. I didn't think it'd be wise telling a stranger about my situation anyway.

"Well I don't know if you have enough stuff, but there's a cool skeleton hanging out right here on sale if you want him." He pointed at a pitiful thing with a red tag On it. It was ugly and missing a hand. It was perfect.

"Have a nice day!" I called as I left bags in hand. Dallon did a weird salute as the sliding doors closed. I hoped this thing wasn't real. I glared at the Skeleton. Oh well, a ghost would be interesting. I then dipped into the local HEB, and got paper plates, cups, and napkins. What were we going to eat? Hm, I figured some Halloween themed food would be cute and the guys might enjoy making them.

After my errand run I was back home struggling to open the door with all of the bags I had. I knocked in the end, and a tired Pete opened the door. "Oh hey Maddie, need some help?" He asked. I nodded gratefully and dumped half my load on him. Patrick came out to help me.

"Wow, this is awesome Maddie! You so did not have to do this for us." He told me.

"Aw come on, everyone deserves to enjoy a Halloween party once in their lives right?" I smiled. We dumped all of the stuff out on the table, the rest of the boys crowding around it ooing and aahing. Brendon came up behind me and put he arm around me.

"Well would ya look at that. You actually did it." He grinned.

"Not yet." I replied. "The fun part is about to begin! Set up."

"Hey Mikey, look." Gerard grabbed a fuzzy spider and began chasing his brother around with it. I motioned for Pete and Spencer.

"Pete, Spencer, you guys are the better out of you all at cooking so you can help plan some recipes for the party. I'm thinking Halloween planned dishes." They nodded in approval as Mikey ran screaming in the background, Gerard in pursuit. "Ray, Bob, and Gerard. I need you guys to stick some spiders in these cobwebs and hang them out front please." They got right to work. "Ryan and Frank, you guys have charge of the backyard." They gave each other mischievous grins and left. "That leaves Me, Patrick, and Brendon. We get to decorate the inside." I let out an evil laugh.

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