Chapter 14: The Take Over, the Breaks Over

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Maddie's POV

The next morning I woke up feeling content. Last night was the best, being able to hang out with the boys after spending the past Halloweens on my own was a nice change. Plus finally giving the boys a proper Halloween experience of their own made me feel good. What made it better was waking up next to Brendon. We had fallen asleep on the couch together and had cuddled all night. It seemed like we'd been doing that a lot lately. I took a moment to just bask in the silence of the house before sneaking away from Brendon's grasp and quietly heading to the kitchen.

I didn't mind making breakfast for everyone, I just needed a head start to be able to make everything on time before everybody woke up. As I rummaged around in the fridge I sighed softly. I would need to make another grocery run soon. Either that or resort to ordering pizza again for us to eat, not that Ray would object. It was time to face facts, having so many mouths to feed, I needed to get a job. I had been halted in my job search after meeting the boys, and living off of what my Mom was sending me wouldn't be enough for us now. It wouldn't be any good for the guys to start searching for jobs, places would see them as 'delinquents' and turn them away first chance.

Maybe later on I could pull the old laptop out and job hunt again. Until then I didn't want any of the guys to feel bad about the financial situation. I found some waffle mix buried in the cabinet and got to work making some batter. Some of if splashed on my pajamas and I groaned in annoyance.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?" A voice sounded behind me and nearly made me drop the bowl of batter in fright. I turned around to see Patrick standing there. "Ohmygoshsorry-" He apologized in a rush, his face red as he blushed in embarrassment.

"Patrick! It's fine you just scared the uh-" I looked down at the bowl and whisk in hand. "Batter out of me."

"Betty better batter butter..." A very sleepy Gerard mumbled from where he was passed out on the air mattress. Patrick and I turned our attention to him before looking back at each other and laughing to ourselves.

"No really, I was just trying to be funny is all. You don't have to cook by yourself, I can help you! I-If you'd like-" Patrick started.

"That would be awesome Patrick, thanks." I smiled as I handed the bowl to him with a smile. "I normally wake up first, so I figured there would be nothing wrong with getting started on food early."

"I get it. Hey! You know what would go perfect with these waffles? Some eggs and bacon!" Patrick grinned, moving to the fridge and looking around. He closed it shortly after. "...Which we're fresh out of. Holy smokes Maddie, I barely noticed we've eaten you out of house and home."

"Hey, don't worry about that. I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to need to get a job soon. But leave it to me, somehow I'll keep this place still standing." I gave him a reassuring smile. It seemed to make Patrick feel better because he returned it. He almost looked like he was going to say something, but was interrupted by Gerard mumbling something in his sleep again.

"No... I don't want to give the Morning Pancake Report again..." He turned around in his sleep and grabbed Frank who was the closest to him and put his arms around him. "Here- toss it to Maddie, toss the pancake to Maddie." Gerard smiled.

"Oh boy. Better wake him up before he starts trying to eat Frank or something." I joked, catching Patrick's attention again. Whatever was on his mind seemed to have gone.

"Leave it to me. This batter is ready to get waffle-ized now." He handed the bowl back to me before heading towards the boys. I gladly started spooning some into the waffle maker I had plugged up on the counter. I watched Patrick, wondering just how he was planning on getting everyone up. He stood in the center of everyone and suddenly belted a musical note in the most soul like voice I'd ever heard. It did the trick, and suddenly all the boys started resurrecting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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