Chapter 11: All The Boys

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Brendon's POV

I went back downstairs after our chat. I still couldn't help but worry about Patrick. Oh well. I thought about the past. It was best for that not to come back up. Maddie couldn't know what had happened. What if she changed her mind about us? What would happen? I cringed just thinking about it. I arrived in the kitchen to see everyone settled with sandwiches. I smelled something burning.

"My Souffle!" Pete yelled running at the stove.

"I doubt you had time to make a souffle while I was gone." I laughed. Pete stopped.

"Yeah. I was just kidding. My sandwich is toasting though." He replied fanning it. Maddie walked towards me.

"You almost missed lunch." She said handing me a sandwich. I took it gratefully and noticed Patrick enter the room. He avoided my eyes.

"Yeah sorry, me and Patrick were just having a man to man talk. All's good. Hope the boys weren't giving to much trouble?" I asked.

"No they weren't. Although they do enjoy my cooking." Maddie laughed. I smiled and munched on my sandwich. I tried to look cute, is it possible to look cute while eating? I imagined I looked like a fat anime cat eating sushi or something.

"Who blames them? You are fabulous at cooking!" I commented. Twaimz bounced up to Maddie.

"It was nice visiting you Maddie." he said.

"Are you leaving today?" I asked. Twaimz nodded.

"Yeah, I'm all set to go actually." Maddie gave him a hug.

"Thanks for coming by Issa. It was nice to have you here." She said.

"My pleasure. It was nice meeting all of your boyfriends." Twaimz laughed. Maddie went to see him out and all the boys said bye. Maddie was still saying farewells as I walked back to the kitchen. Ryan greeted me halfway.

"Dude, dude guess what is this month." He said. I hadn't really thought about the month. Before even waiting for my reply Ryan shook me; "It's October genius! Which means..."

"HALLOWEEN!" The boys cheered. Oh man, I loved Halloween. All the boys went all out for it. Last year Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Frank, and Bob dressed up as a skeleton marching band. "I almost forgot! this is going to be awesome." I smiled.

Maddie came back in. "What about Halloween?" She asked. "I love it. It's my favorite holiday."

"It is? Ours too! We can celebrate together!" Ryan said excitedly.

"Since all of you guys are here this year, maybe we could have a party. Would you like that?" Maddie asked. That's all she had to say. The guys were quiet until Mikey piped up.

"You mean like an actual party? We've never had any of those."

I shuffled my feet a bit. "Yeah. All we've known is dressing up and trick-or-treating and stuff. We never really had anyone to celebrate with." Maddie looked at us sympathetically.

"Well now you do. It will be just us if you want. We can decorate and have a big dance party with snacks and it will be awesome." She said.

Everyone cheered. "And scary movie hour?" Spencer asked barely containing his excitement.

"You bet!" Maddie assured him.

I looked at everyone smiling and talking amongst themselves. It was the happiest I'd seen them. I smiled at Maddie and kissed her. "You are the best girlfriend ever you know?" She smiled back at me,

"I know."

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