Chapter 5: Girl That You Love

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Brendon's POV

Well me and Maddie discussed a couple of rules over with the boys. There was only one rule: No being guys. Simple. Right? No. Maddie and I had come back from a little outing and we stumbled upon seeing Ray, Pete, and Ryan drinking tea with pinkies up while wearing Maddie's dresses, and Bob was running around in her bra shouting "I'M A PRETTY LADY!" Not to mention Gerard, Mikey, and Frank had gotten into her makeup. Blush everywhere.

"Clearly they misunderstood me." Maddie sighed face palming. Well. I was scarred for life.

"This isn't what she meant guys. Patrick, how could you stoop to this?" I asked. He looked at me.

"It's Patricia." He answered flatly. Urm-

"I'm Ryanna." Ryan looked at me covered in lipstick.

"Suuure you are." I replied slowly. I could see the crazy in his eyes. I gave Maddie the 'S.O.S' look.

"What's the matter Brenda? Don't you want to be a pretty lady too?" Bob asked me. He only had on the bra and boxers. They all were looking at me. I ran out the door screaming.


A few days later, they were just boys again. Thankfully.

"Okay new ground rules." Maddie said. The guys sat around listening carefully. "You are allowed to actually be guys, just a more civilized version of yourselves." They all nodded.

"Ha easy." Gerard said turning to Spencer. "Hello fine lad!"

"Jolly good show!" Spencer laughed clapping.

"Not everything is literal guys." Madison growled next to me. Feisty.

"Behave yourselves, please." I advised them.

"What are we gonna do?" Mikey asked me. They put on their innocent Faces. Mmhm. I've lived with these boys long enough.

"Well me and Maddie are going to go out tonight and I want you all to behave. Okay?" I said.

"Sure." They all replied. "But you're always going out!" Gerard whined.

"Too much for you saying you're just friends." Pete added crossing his arms. Afterwards Maddie dragged me off to a corner. "Going out tonight? What am I gonna wear? The guys practically ripped my good clothes." I smiled.

"You don't have to get fancy for me. You're pretty just the way you are." Maddie smiled and brushed my face with her hands. She leaned closer...

"You. Are. Too. Cute." She tapped my chest with each word then went upstairs. I was left alone. My face heated up. Golly.

Maddie's POV

He was so fun to tease! Plus he was super sweet. I frantically searched for clothes to wear. I ended up wearing a simple band tee with a blue jean jacket over it. I fixed my hair in a curl and went to see Brendon. He was dressed up in a white shirt with a red flannel cardigan. His little nerd glasses revealed his bright sparkling eyes.

"Ready?" He asked me.

"Of course." I smiled. We ignored the "OOOOOOHHHS" of the guys and went out.

Ryan's POV

They were gone. Looks like we had the place to ourselves. I looked at Gerard, who looked at Frank, who looked at Patrick, and before we knew it we were caught up in a weird 'knowing' type look. Ray ordered 12 boxes of pizza and he kept like 5 of them for himself. Patrick hooked us up with drinks and candy.

"Let the party commence!" I shouted. Just then the doorbell rang. Who was that?

"Should we open it?" Spencer asked.

"I'm not dying tonight!" Frank cowered.

"Look out the window." Bob whispered. I grabbed a lamp for defense, and peeked out the window. What? What am I looking at right now. I opened the door, lamp at the ready, to reveal a kid with bushy black hair staring back at me.

"What's up mah faaamm..." He trailed off when he saw me with my weapon. The rest of the guys peeked over my shoulder.

"AAAHH!" Spencer screamed, then covered his mouth, Frank slapping his on as well. Awkwaaard.

Brendon's POV

I was walking with Maddie towards the movie theater. She wanted to see a scary movie called 'Panic at Butch's' I myself was not a huge fan of scary movies but hey, how far would you go for the girl that you love? I was more excited about my special dinner arrangement after...

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