Chapter 12: She Had The World

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3rd Person POV

Later that night everyone went to sleep. Brendon couldn't believe how lucky he was to have an amazing girlfriend like Madison. She was willing to do so much for the boys, and even the fact that she took them in willingly was still surreal in his mind. Brendon smiled to himself in his sleep. He began to dream...

* * * *

Brendon left the house to go for a walk. It was a breezy sunny day, and it felt perfect. To one observing the scene, it was greyscale. He was in such a fantastic mood. Brendon let his mind fill with thoughts of Maddie, and he began to sing.

"She held the world upon a string

But she didn't ever hold me.

Spun the stars on her fingernails,

But it never made her happy.

Cause she couldn't ever have me.

She said she'd won the world, at a carnival,

But she could never win me, cause she couldn't ever catch me.

I-I know why,

Because when I look in her eyes,

I just see the sky

When I look in her eyes

Well I, just see the sky."

Brendon passed by Ryan who was sitting perched on a low stone wall by some trees. Ryan picked up the lyrics:

"I don't love you I'm just passing the time

You could love me if I knew how to lie.

Who could love me? I am out of my mind,

Throwing a line out to sea,

To see if I can catch a dream..."

Patrick came from around the corner of the wall Ryan was sitting on and was going his own way. He too was thinking of Maddie. Lately he had been coming to accept the fact he was smitten over her. Of course how could she ever notice him when she had Brendon? She clearly loved him, and Patrick was just a friend. But he had hopes. Patrick sang his feelings:

"The sun was always in her eyes,

She didn't ever see me.

But that girl had so much love,

She'd wanna kiss you all the time.

Yeah, she'd wanna kiss you all the time.

She said she'd won the world, at a carnival,

But I'm sure I didn't ruin her

Just made her more interesting.

I'm sure I didn't ruin her,

Just made her more interesting. "

Brendon and Patrick both began to sing in a hauntingly beautiful duet;

"I-I know why,

Cause when I look in her eyes,

I just see the sky.

When I look in her eyes

I know I, I see the sky"

Ryan came in again:

"I don't love you I'm just passing the time,

You could love me if I knew how to lie.

Who could love me? I am out of my mind.

Throwing a line out to sea,

To see if I can catch a dream..."

Patrick repeated the last verse alone. Trying for the last time to convince himself about the girl he longed for:

"I don't love you I'm just passing the time.

You could love me if I knew how to lie.

Who could love me? I am out of my mind.

Throwing a line out to sea,

To see if I can catch a dream..."

* * * *

Back in reality the house was silent.

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