Chapter 4: The Kids Aren't Alright

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Maddie's POV

I gladly welcomed the boys into my home.

"Here, you can put your bags in the spare room for now." I said gesturing to Patrick and Pete who were still struggling with their bags. I looked at Ray's newly braided fro. "Nice work." I told Frank and Spencer. They smiled shyly. "Okay, I have like two guest rooms, the couches, and my room. Soo... time to assign roommates!" I said cheerfully. All the boys looked at me. "Let's see, Gerard and Mikey can share the room on the left, Spencer and Brendon can share the room on the right, Bob and Ryan can take the couch mattress, Frank and Ray can take an air mattress, and Patrick and Pete can have my bed which means... I need to buy another air mattress." I sighed.

"Aw Maddie you didn't have to give up your bed for those goofs." Brendon said. "They can have the air mattress." I smiled at how sweet he was.

"No really, it's fine Maddie. We can take the floor." I turned to see innocent Patrick smiling at me. Aw.

"Okay okay. I can just go to the store later and buy another mattress, extra blankets, and a lot more food." I replied. "Until then, just make yourselves at home. My casa es tu casa." Frank looked at me weird.

"Masa es tasa que?" he asked confused. Gerard smacked him upside the head.

"How can you not understand her? She's clearly speaking french." He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I face palmed. I think we all did.

"Anyway... are you sure they can uh, be themselves here Maddie? If so we need like some ground rules or something..." Brendon said.

"Okay. I'm sure they'll be fine. Only one rule: Don't not enjoy yourselves." I winked. The boys all fanned out in their little groups. Brendon smiled and held my hand.

"Thanks again Maddie for taking us in. You don't know how much this means to us. Especially Mikey." He said. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"It was my pleasu-" I was interrupted by a loud bang. Me and Brendon whipped around to see Bob on the floor.

"Sorry. I fell off the couch." He grinned. Was I having regrets? Maybe.

Brendon's POV

Maddie told me she was going to tidy upstairs real quick. I smiled and watched her go. She was so amazing. I returned my gaze back to the guys who were everywhere. Frank and Pete were raiding the fridge, while Ryan and Gerard were sprawled all over the couches. Ray and Spencer were caught up in a mad game of rock paper scissors. Sure they were like this now, but just wait till later...

"Guys try to be courteous." I reminded them. I was bowled down by Ryan at once. He pinned me down.

"Come on Brenny boo have some fun!" He laughed and ruffled my hair. Okay. He touched the hair.

"Prepare to die!" I screeched and flung myself over Ray who yelped.

"Guy pile!" Patrick declared free falling on me. Soon we were all a giant mass.

Maddie's POV

Wow. It sounded like a jungle down there. I finished cleaning and went downstairs again. I walked into a room full of screeching boys and saw Ryan on top of Brendon saying "I'm Maddie! How I love you so. Kiss meh!" I tried not to laugh at the priceless look on Brendon's face. "Ahem." I cleared my throat loudly. Everyone froze. Brendon was wide eyed, he looked at Ryan still on top of him then without a second thought, socked him in the gut.

Ryan rolled off of him laughing in pain, and enjoyment. Guys. "Uh I'm going to go to the store now so hold up the fort will ya?" I smiled then left.

Brendon's POV

"Ryan you little ruiner!" I glared at him. He only laughed.

"Well I'm going to go get my bags unpacked." Ray said. The rest of us agreed. Maybe we could manage to stay out of trouble. Naaaaaww.

Maddie's POV

I came home with tons of food and blankets topped with a mattress. I opened the door and practically dropped everything. Guys. Guys everywhere. I needed to take action at once. I ran into the midst of the chaos. "Patrick! Get off the table! Gerard, get out of the fridge! Pete, spit that out! SPENCER, WHAT. ARE. YOU. DOING!?" I yelled at each of them. Brendon's head popped out of the swarm. He saw how frantic I was to get stuff in order, so he leaped up on the table and sang really loud:


"CLOSING THE GAH DANG DOOR NO!" The rest of the boys sang back. They sat down in positions.

"IT'S MUCH BETTER TO FIX THESE TYPES OF THINGS-" Brendon got down from the table and sang quietly, pointing a finger at each one. "With a sense of poise and rationality." Everyone was quiet. Wow. The guys faced me. "We are so sorry Maddie! I shouldn't have left them alone-"

"Was that an original song?" I cut Brendon off. He could sing really well. He blushed.

"Uh y-yeah. It's not much now, but it gets us in order when we sing." I smiled. I motioned to talk to him upstairs. "Okay. I think we do need to set up ground rules." I said.

"Agreed." Brendon replied.

"Seriously though. I caught Ryan using my face wash." I shuddered. Brendon laughed.

"We got this." He said. Did we? Cause as I'm seeing it, the kids aren't alright.

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