Chapter 2

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Anais shielded her hand over her eyes, squinting as she approached the stairway up to the Overworld. She had gotten Mira to fake a pass for her, but she didn't expect it to work. Overworlders were inane idiots, after all. Apprehensive, Anais ascended the stairs, her teeth gnawing uneasily at her inner cheek. But no matter how much she doubted herself now, she couldn't turn back. Anais didn't have many personal belongings, and Anais only carried with her a case that held her clothes and medical ingredients. She gripped the handles tightly.

Today was Isabel's birthday - which also meant that today was the Training Corps recruiting. Anais sucked in a deep breath of uncertainty. She had never felt this insecure in a long time. The butterflies that fluttered in her stomach made her feel sick. Anais's clenched fist dug into her flesh.

The two men at the top of the stairs greeted her with smiles as she recoiled against the searing brightness of the sun. "Welcome to the Overworld, miss," the younger one said. He had the standard Military Police uniform on, and his red hair displayed blazingly under the sunlight. Wow, Anais thought as she glanced around. Her breathing stopped.

Anais had never seen so many colors at once; the Underground was dark and gloomy and dull. She cocked her head in wonder as she took a good look at her surroundings in absolute reverence, soaking in all the vibrant colors: the rich reds, brilliant yellows, splendid blues, and luminous greens. "How do you like it?" the soldier asked.

Anais took another deep breath. The air smelled crisp and clean, unlike the Underground's murky atmosphere. She smiled despite herself. "It's very colorful."

The other man, the older soldier, chuckled in amusement. "Well, that's one way to put it. Colorful. How cute."

"How may we help you today, miss?" the younger soldier offered. "Did you get a house inside the walls?"

Anais bit her lower lip in thought. It was now or never. Isabel's requests. "I was wondering where I could sign up for training?"

The two looked at her like she was riding one of those ancient animals Anais remembered called dinosaurs. "Training, miss?" asked the younger soldier. "As in..." He gestured at himself and his uniform.

"Yes. I wish to join the Survey Corps," Anais said firmly. She turned from her sightseeing to pivot her stare straight into the soldier's warm brown eyes. "Do you have a problem with that, sir? Doubts that I can do it?"

"I... no." He straightened and cleared his throat. "I get off my shift in a few minutes. I'll escort you there."

"Thank you," Anais said, forcing a smile for him. I love it when you smile. Isabel's words echoed in her head. "I'd appreciate that."

The soldier led Anais through roads bustling with civilians going about their everyday work. The market was a clamor of people shouting and exchanging necessities. It was also a messy spectrum of colors and smells. Anais did a twirl in awe, tilting her head to take in the scene. She had never been so bewildered by something so simple. But things just got prettier and prettier. Perhaps the Overworld wasn't so bad. She understood what Isabel was talking about now.

The soldier laughed. "Lift your head, miss."


His hand reached over, and Anais tensed reflexively. "I'm not going to hurt you, miss," he assured her. He then gently elevated her chin toward the sky.

Anais stopped in her tracks and exhaled in awe. The sky. Since she could remember, Anais had always tried to sneak to the stairs to catch a peek of the sky. She had always managed to catch glimpses of the vigorous blue sky stretching across the tiny opening that she looked through.

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