Chapter 13

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Anais's heart was beating so loudly that she was afraid Kellan could hear it.

Luckily, it didn't take long before a nervous blond in his late twenties approached Anais and Kellan. He was clad in ODM gear and the Garrison's uniform. The man was out of breath, sweat beading his forehead, eyes wild. He pointed an accusing finger at them. "You two! Where the hell is Keith Shadis!"

Kellan took a step forward, and Anais touched the back of his hand. The contact helped him calm down to some extent. Kellan needed reassurance that there was someone he knew with him and that the situation was authentic. In truth, so did Anais.

"It is our job to deliver whatever message you have for Shadis, sir," Anais responded calmly and slowly. She politely saluted him, as did Kellan. Anais hoped her panic didn't show in her eyes. Anais's legs felt like jelly, her heart hammered aggressively against her ribcage, and she had to concentrate on her breathing. Kellan was rigid next to her, and Anais knew both Kellan and this messenger counted on her serenity, whether they noticed it or not.

The messenger grounded his teeth. Anais stared into his unfocused and anxious eyes. He was so scared, his whole body trembled. The anger was his coping mechanism, the poor man. "Shiganshina has fallen! And that new explosion just now was probably Wall Maria!" he hysterically screeched, pointing behind him, outraged. "So you will take me to Keith Shadis, bitch!" At that last insult, the messenger seized Anais's uniform shirt with both his hands. He effortlessly hoisted her up into his face, which was greasy and unhealthily white. The doctor inside Anais wanted to give him some ginger to settle his queasy stomach and examine him. But he was hurting Anais as he jerked her back and forth, her gear banging against her thighs.

Kellan growled as he took a step forward. "Let go of her."

Anais breathed steadily, smiling. "Please let me go, mister. We have treated you with respect, and I think it is only fair that you do the same. Regardless of our age difference." She gasped as he throttled her again. "Sir, you are hurting me."

He didn't let go, but he stopped shaking her. Hopefully, he is coming to his senses. "I understand how you feel, sir. As people younger and more inexperienced than you, I think we are equally terrified about this occurring situation," Anais said slowly, deliberately, and soothingly. This man needed an even cadence to calm him. It was like taming a savage beast. "It is our job to deliver your message to Shadis. We would take you to him, but I do not think that would make any of this better. I recommend you hurry with your job so we can do likewise, sir. This situation we are facing is quite tricky. Yet, here we are, wasting time like it is expendable."

Anais's words were harsh in meaning but gentle in cadence. She was smiling at him. The messenger loosened his grip as Anais's eyes pierced into him. "Thank you." Anais straightened her uniform subtly. "Can you tell us what happened and what we should tell Shadis?"

The man cleared his throat, wiping sweat off his forehead. He avoided Anais's eye contact. "The Garrison needs as much help as it can get, and we have permission to draw on the resources of the Training Corps."

"That's it?" Kellan asked incredulously, striding forward. He towered over this man, his turquoise eyes flashing with animosity.

"E-excuse me?" squeaked the soldier, taking a step back.

"Do you need the top ten to assist the front? Or, assuming that this is what you are doing, do we all help with the evacuation? Also, how do we get there? Is clearing away the Titans the main goal? Or do we help patch up the wall?" Kellan spat out the questions with disdain and venom. "Our walls are broken! We are under attack by monsters able to regenerate a whole head! We need exact instructions, or did the Garrison not think these questions through? Sir?"

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