Chapter 6

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Aside from the corporal training Anais and the cadets had to go through. The Training Corps also taught them everyday school academics. Along with an additional subject which Anais dubbed Titan biology. 

From what Anais understood, Titans closely resembled naked males – this fact grossed out Anais thoroughly. In the drawings, they had limbs and features of humans, except far more grotesque and unproportioned. Most of them walked on two legs, but they occasionally proved to be quadrupedal. Their professor said that all of them lacked generative organs. Therefore they didn't mate, and how they multiplied was still a mystery. 

The school department proceeded to invite a professional from the Survey Corps to give them more in-depth detailing of the exterior appearance and operations of the Titans. The lean brunet explained that the vast majority possessed what looked like a masculine body type. Minus the reproductive parts, that is. He declared that while some Titans didn't experience pain, others did, and they were active as long as exposed under sunlight. He stated that their single purpose in life was to gorge on human beings, even if they didn't need to. He insisted that they didn't derive any nourishment from humans – as they didn't meet their first human until the Survey Corps was established. The most revolting part was when he revealed the Titans didn't have a functioning digestive system; they merely hauled up whatever humans they swallowed after their cavity filled up. 

Anais relished the part where the specialist confirmed that most of them showed no signs of intelligence and were cretinous beasts – which meant they would be easy to distract and deceive. However, the man said that the ones called "Abnormals" obtained some intelligence, making them more threatening.

He then went on to explain the few ways to relieve a Titan. Advertising that one of the most sure-fire ways was to slice off the area – one meter long and ten centimeters wide – at the nape of their necks. He said that that caused the Titan to be unable to regenerate, consequently killing it. The instructor picked up a piece of chalk to circle the said area of the neck. "After this method, they evaporate to skeletal remains, then eventually to nothing at all." He smirked at them, winking. "Makes our jobs easier, not having to clean up." 

Anais set her arm on the table, relaxing her cheek on her palm. He started to explain how to use the blades and gear in his hands, highlighting their importance. 

Was this what she was facing? Mindless brutes bigger and taller than her? 

She smiled a bit. Please, she dealt with such things on an everyday basis. 

Petra noticed the smile and scooted closer to Anais. "Why in the world are you smiling? These creatures are gross!" she whispered loudly, wrinkling her nose in repugnance. 

Anais turned her head to meet Petra's multi-colored hazel eyes. Shrugging her shoulders indifferently, Anais whispered back, "I just figured we meet things like this often. Taller than us, simple-minded, and highly abhorrent." 

Petra choked on herself not to laugh. Nailea sniggered. Diane rolled her eyes and tried to cover her amusement with annoyance. "That's just rude, Ness." 

"She's not talking about you, Diane." Nailea poked Diane playfully, her honey-toned eyes sparkling with merriment. She paused to turn to Anais. "Wait, you're not, right?"

"Of course she's not, Nai," Petra scolded quietly. She waved her hands up and down to motion for them to lower their voices. "She means all the other bothersome people we've encountered." 

"Ladies," Survey Corps Man interrupted, frowning down at them. "What's so important that you can't wait for later to discuss? The class transferred outside to try out the maneuvering equipment." 

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