Chapter 10

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The western division had an average height that loomed over Anais. Their shortest cadet, an attractive, tanned brunette, was about as tall as Petra. Their tallest was moderately smaller than Kellan in height, so that was a relief. Then again, the only person within the southern division more towering than the blue-eyed demon was Josiah Trot. 

Okay, admittedly, it wasn't that much of a relief. 

However, Josiah was just about the friendliest person Anais had ever met. He was a sympathetic and gentle Ginormous. The western division's Colossus was a beefy blond with a very square jaw who maintained a perpetual supercilious sneer on his face. 

When the southern division approached them, the western division showed to be affable. They stepped forward to enthusiastically greet Anais's companions, shaking hands and exchanging laughs and jokes.

Amid the kindness, Colossus sauntered up to Anais. He pushed forward so that he towered over Anais and gave her a contemptuous once-over. He reeked of sweat and man-odor, but Anais smiled up at him. "Hello," she greeted softly.

Square-jawed Colossus jeered, "You're short." 

Anais caught sight of Kellan and Petra tense up next to her. That's one way to greet a stranger, I guess, she thought, annoyed.

Anais formed an "o" with her mouth and covered it with her hand. "Oh dear, when did that happen? I must have been entirely unaware of my physical appearance for the past ten years of my life. Thank you for enlightening me with your absolute brilliance and informing me of this astonishingly important matter. I will now retreat to my team so that I can waste my time doing something about it. See you later." Anais smiled, tipping her head respectfully. With that, she turned to leave. 

Petra kept shooting glares behind her back, her fists clenched next to her legs. "How dare he!" she fumed. Anais could practically see the smoke emitting from all seven holes in her head.

Kellan laughed as he hurried to catch up to Anais. "He's just standing there, you know. Like a friggin' dumbass." 

Anais smiled up at him. "Language, Kellan." Kellan raised his hands in surrender.

"Weren't you bothered?" Petra exclaimed. "I hate it when people call me short."

"Yes, it's irritating. It's a reminder that we're not enough, but what can we do? We can only prove them wrong," Anais said with an elfin smirk. She turned to Petra. "Also? You are not allowed to say you are short. Not when I'm nearby." 

Petra laughed, hooking her arm over Anais's shoulder elatedly. "Yes, ma'am." 

"Kell! Petra! Ness!" Marcus called from the cluster of people. He waved his hand enthusiastically. "We're starting! Get your asses over here!"

"Don't you talk like that to us when you were the late one!" Kellan shouted back. 

Marcus mock-frowned and traced a finger down his cheek exaggeratedly, indicating "cry about it." Kellan couldn't help but grin widely.

"Battle is about to commence," Kellan said to Anais after rolling his eyes. "Excited?"

"Very," Anais responded. In truth, she was, especially if Colossus was playing.


The forest wasn't foreign to Anais. Its longevous trees were densely packed, each owning broad, resolute branches, making them perfect for Anais. As Anais rested on a limb, her fingers twitched eagerly against the rough bark of the trees. Idly, Anais swung her legs back and forth. Kellan crouched beside her, a mischievous smirk on his face.

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