Chapter 17

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Honestly? Anais wasn't sure what she was expecting to see or do on her first day as an official Survey Corps member. But when she stepped into her new headquarters, she was – to say the least – baffled.

Out of habit, green hues scoured the equally green forests that embraced the large castle. The castle was magnificent yet cozy-looking with stretching turrets and peaked towers built by cream-colored rocks, with roofs consisting of dark blue tiles. Nevertheless, that wasn't what shocked Anais initially. It was the fact that everything was so normal that caught her off guard.

For starters, Anais sure as hell was not expecting an overly enthusiastic man to greet them.

Colwyn Klamore was a homely man, tall in stature with electric blue eyes. He may not have looked like much, but his smile was incredibly contagious. Anais found herself not the only one who unconsciously smiled back. "Ya can just call me Colwyn," was the first thing Colwyn said when he saw the new initiates. He beamed at them, and Kellan chuckled softly. Anais tilted her head slightly at the odd dialect Colwyn used. Colwyn had a heavy accent which Anais couldn't quite pinpoint its origin. Somehow, Colwyn's grin stretched wider, unfazed by the confused stares from the new soldiers. With his broad smile, he continued to explain, "I'm in charge of showin' ya around. Try my best ta explain the rules, show off our headquarters, and introduce ya to the people here. But, first, welcome to yer new, magnificent home!" Colwyn stretched his arms wide. He then chuckled heartily, turning around and motioning for the small group of the southern division to follow him.

Anais tried to follow him without getting sidetracked. She was awed by everything. Her astonishment at the place ranged from the castle itself to the ancient well. It didn't waver even for the stables or the lush forests.

Moreover, all of what she saw belonged to the Survey Corps.

Anais had seen the Garrison headquarters only once. Compared to that place, the Survey Corps headquarters was significantly smaller. Yet the actual vibe Survey Corps Headquarters gave off to Anais did not, in any way, align with its given size. If anything, the extreme difference in numbers made the Survey Corps headquarters feel drastically larger.

Whether that was depressing or delightful, Anais wasn't sure.

Too busy gawking at her Headquarters, Anais missed Colwyn's telling of the alleged origin story of the Survey Corps. By the time she snapped back to her senses, Colwyn had carried on. "The stables," Colwyn introduced grandly, pivoting to look at them. He waved at the rows and rows of wooden stables, and Anais could hear the gentle cooing voices and the occasional neighs from horses. She paused to watch five uniformed soldiers combing the manes of noble steeds who were feeding on hay.

Colwyn winked mischievously at the awe-struck group. "Make certain ya treat the horses nice, yeah? Because if there is one thing the Survey Corps doesn't lack, it's the horses." Colwyn winked then finger gunned at the eighteen teenagers. "Fun fact, we have more horses than humans here."

Colwyn didn't look downbeat at that sorrowful fact. Surprisingly enough, as far as Anais knew, he seemed utterly unfazed by the lack of support the Survey Corps possessed.

One of the soldiers from inside the stables noticed Colwyn and the lot of new soldiers. She was a pale, average-heighted brunette in her mid-twenties. The woman waved animatedly at Colwyn. Cupping her hands over her mouth, she called, "Taking good care of the newbies, Cole?"

"Ya bet, Wren!" Colwyn shouted back, waving with corresponding enthusiasm. He turned to the group. "That's Wren, very skilled in her gear. Next to her, left ta right, is their squad leader, Jakob, then Winston, Hart, and Melanie. The Jakob Squad, we call 'em."

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