Chapter 7

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vulgar language 

nothing too extreme, though :)

Did Levi want to be shadowed by the human version of a Titan, Shadis himself? Did Levi wish to be babysitting a bunch of new brats learning how to use their gear, pretty sure that most of them had no intentions of using their (supposed) talent for actual good? Did he ask to stand in the freaking heat of the summer when he could be inside doing something more worth his time? The answers were no, no, and still no.

But Erwin said, and when Levi tried to object, Erwin ordered. Levi glowered at a tree. That man was a pain in the ass sometimes. 

So there he was, standing next to a fuming Shadis, the tip of his head barely reaching Shadis's shoulders. Levi was still somewhat sensitive to his inadequate height, but he understood that no one challenged him once they saw him in action. Levi chewed absent-mindedly at the inner layer of his cheek, very much uninterested. Hell, he didn't think he could be less excited about watching people learn to use their gear. Nonetheless, he patiently stood as Shadis taught/hollered at/insulted the cadets. Levi quickly scanned their facial expressions. Few looked excited. Some tried to look nonchalant. Most looked like they were shitting bricks.

Levi supposed he could understand their uneasiness. The gear required the whole body's muscles, balance, and strength. Not to mention how dangerous it could be to use. One could fall, accidentally throttle themself, fall, hurl into a wall with spectacular force, fall, and collide with each other. Oh, and did he mention the falling from a wondrous height part? 

A shudder skittered down Levi's spine as he remembered Jakob, one of the idiots who fell out of the sky and utterly destroyed every bone in his body. Levi remembered Jakob's deformed body, limbs spread out in the most unnatural angles, sprawled across the ground. A Titan had strolled over Jakob before anyone could save him. Poor Jakob.

When Shadis hollered the affirmative for the cadets to start using their gear, Levi watched with slight entertainment as most of them shot their hooks in unison. Their stupidity mentally tormented Levi. 

Hooks and wire immediately tangled together the next moment, and everyone went from nervous to absolutely scared shitless since they didn't know what they were to do. Shadis's face went crimson, and he started to rebuke them, ridiculing their foolishness. (Thank you, Shadis.) A few of the smarter cadets that hadn't used their gear took the opportunity to do the right thing. They aimed their grappling hooks above them to attach themselves to the branches above them, as one with half a brain should know to do when confined in a limited space. Levi took a mental note of them. 

Levi tallied five of them and watched. One was a tall, personable boy with dark blond hair and striking blue eyes. He paused, confident and poised, dangling for a moment, testing the waters before he fired the gas and propelled himself upward. He landed with assertive grace on his chosen tree limb, smirking with accomplishment. Anyone could tell this boy was proficient.

Another one that caught Levi's attention was a girl, slightly shorter than Levi, with orangish blonde hair and amber eyes. She looked anxious as she fumbled with the triggers on her instrument. After what looked like a depressing internal battle of I-shoulds and but-I-don't-wants, she succeeded in perching on her tree. She faltered a bit, but it was still a somewhat controlled success. 

Another red-headed boy and brunette followed suit. Both equally apprehensive for their first tries, neither executing their triumph quite as well as the blond boy or the awkward ginger. 

Alas, Levi knew talent when he saw it. And he saw it in a pale, raven-haired girl. Something about her green eyes triggered a sense of recognition. Studying her further, Levi bet that she was probably from the Underground too with her ghostlike skin; so fair it was almost white.

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