Chapter 18

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The hysteria of the Titan invasion wasn’t quite over yet, but that didn’t stop the Survey Corps. The sightings of a Titan towering over the Wall and one that could punch through the walls only fueled the Survey Corps’ curiosity and interest. It was safe to say that everyone was antsy. And it was apparent. So, per usual, the next month, they were due for an expedition. 

A day before their first expedition, and Petra was sick. 

Petra’s fever was sky-high, she coughed uncontrollably, and she could not stomach any food. Anais stood over her table with medical components scattered around her, focusing her attention on concocting a medicine for Petra. Anais hadn’t demonstrated her pharmaceutical abilities much. But it was those rare occasions when she fixed up sprained ankles or sore muscles or broken arms without error that caused her friends to seem to believe in her abilities. Or at least trust in them. 

Currently, Nailea had orders to make sure the cloth pressed over Petra’s burning forehead stayed cool while Diane returned from refilling the water jug for Petra.

The room was tortuously quiet. Even Nailea, who was usually exuberant and talkative, had her lips pressed tight together in angst. Finally, it was Petra who broke the silence. Though Anais preferred if she hadn’t. “Ness?” Petra rasped, her throat raw from her incessant coughing.

Anais turned her attention away from her work, still stirring the mixture. Petra looked frail with her sickly pale skin and dark bags underneath her eyes. Inwardly, Anais winced. Petra was in so much pain. Anais smiled softly. “Yes, Petra?”

Anais held her breath when Petra inhaled deeply. “Will I be able to go on tomorrow’s expedition?” Petra whispered, her eyebrows knitted together in frustration and concentration. Anais suspected it was taking all Petra had to stay awake.

Both Diane and Nailea glanced at Anais with expectant eyes, and Anais alternated her gaze back to the medicine. All three of them knew how – Titan assault or no – Petra had been passionate about her first expedition. And it physically hurt to see the desperateness in Petra’s hopeful eyes.

It took Anais all she had to confess the evident truth. “No, Petra, I don’t think so,” Anais replied in a tender tone, trying for a reassuring smile. “And even if you do feel better, I wouldn’t let you go. You can’t exert yourself before you are positive you are all recovered. Here, drink this.” Anais poured a portion of the medicine into a water glass and handed it to Petra.

Petra took the cup and sniffed the substance inside. Her nose wrinkled in repugnance. “It smells disgusting.”

Anais smiled sardonically, saccharine sweet. “And I’ll wager it tastes worse, Ral. But it works like a miracle.”

“Worse?” Petra exclaimed. The strain to her sore throat caused her to go into another angry fit of coughs. Nailea gestured frantically at Diane to give Petra her water. After Petra drank her water, she cringed and reluctantly eyed her medicine again. “Fine. I’ll take it.”

“That’s a good girl. Diane, can you go to the kitchen and get Petra some bread? She’s going to have to eat something at some point. And Nai, in the meantime, make sure she stays warm and gets enough water,” Anais requested. Her tone wasn’t forceful – it never was, but both of them nodded obligingly. Anais directed her attention to Petra. “I’m going to tell the commander you can’t go tomorrow. So stop your wishful thinking and get some rest, you hear me?”

On the contrary to Anais’s calming smile, Petra scowled sullenly at her roommates. Nailea flicked her finger smartly against Petra’s forehead. “Don’t glare at us, Petra. You can’t properly use the gear in the air with a tired body, anyway. I doubt I need to explain how dangerous that is. Besides, with your sore body and coughing fit, you won’t even be able to maneuver. You’ll die, idiot.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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