Chapter 4

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Chloe's POV:
What the heck am I doing, what's wrong with me, this is so ridiculous, and this blue haired boy is ridiculous, JUST UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!
I can't fall in love! No, just no! He's probably poor. And where are his eyelashes??? He needs mascara or something.
Luka's POV:
She looked worried.
No wonder, she doesn't really have friends, does she? Her family isn't really stabile either, I'm pretty sure.
Affection is a new thing for her, I see. Should I let her go? She needs time? What am doing...I can't fall in love with Chloe Bourgeois. Seriously, Luka, what the heck. What about Marinette? What's wrong with me? Does this count as cheating?? But we aren't even dating, and I'm starting to think we never will.

 What about Marinette? What's wrong with me? Does this count as cheating?? But we aren't even dating, and I'm starting to think we never will

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Chloe's POV:
- I'm leaving.
- oh? Alrighty, when can I see u again?
- oh ur sticky!! Ridiculous, don't get to many hopes.
- oh sure ;)
He said that with a smirk. WHAT?
If he's in love with me i swear to god. This is so weird.
I called my driver and he picked me up by the street. Luka waved at me, but I didn't care, or did I?
Luka's POV:
Alright that's it.
Her blonde silky hair, her deep blue ocean eyes, her mixed personality.
Luka suddenly slaps himself
I need to talk to someone. Right! Adrien!!
Okay now this is just weird.
Me? Calling Adrien for advice? Never thought I'd go this low.
Adrien's POV:
*phone rings*
- hello?
- uh hey, is this Adrien?
- yes, Adrien Agreste. May I help you?
- look, I know ur not a romantic, as good as I know ur good at friend zoning people, but it doesn't matter now.
- okay what?
- u know Chloe? Chloe Bourgeois?
- who doesn't? If that answers your question.
- yeah right, I hung out with her today, and I'm pretty sure I have something for her.
hm. As a teenager to a teenager. What do I do? I don't think I can do that.
- oh? Well. As u said before I'm not a romantic. But what about Marinette?
- forget Marinette! She likes u, not me!
- huh?
- forget what I said.
- Marinette. Likes. Me?
- no, I mean yes, but-
- weren't u just friend zoning her?
- okay no help from your side as I can see.
Whatever. Please, just dont hurt Marinette.
*call ends*
- I thought it was pretty obvious buddy, but I'm craving Camembert so stfu and get me as much as possible.
- u know there's a whole fridge FOR YOU.
- yeah yeah..
- so how are u planning on telling Marinette?
- telling her what?
- that u like her dumb blonde
- oh. Right. I don't know plagg, I need time to observe this.
- don't take too long. People come and go. Unlike Camembert.
- what do u mean?
- what I mean is that u can always buy me more Camembert, but u can't buy yourself another Marinette.
- oh

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