Chapter 14

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,,Look mum! Look at the bees!" a little girl shouts.

,,oh oh!! Look it's a kitten!" she shouts again.

,,mommy!! Look it's a hamster!" the little lady shouts again.

the girl turns around to her dead mums body, with Luka standing behind.


Marinette wakes up. She's sweating.

,,M'lady you alright?"

,,who are you?"

,,Ur joking right?"

,,oh, Adrien...Adrien..." her eyes start watering.

,,is everything okay? Bugaboo?" The blonde starts to worry.

He walks up to her, sits down on the bed.
,,Everything okay?"

She hugs him tightly.

,,What happened?"


,,what was it about?"



,,i have to go. I'll see you later. I have to hurry. I'm sorry."

,,okay it's alright. Do u want me to get u wherever you need to be?"

,,no, I'll visit u later tonight I promise"

She runs out of Adriens mansion. Didn't bother to say hi to Nathalie or Simon. She just left.

She ran. Where? To lukas.

,,i should call him."


*phone ringing*

- hello?
- oh hey Marinette what's up?
- are u okay?
- what do u mean?
- well, about..
- u wanna talk?
- yeah
- I'm in the city. We can meet at the park, the fountain. I'll be there in 5 minutes.
- okay!! Thank you!
- Alright see you.

she doesn't just walk for some reason. She's running. (She a runner she a trackstar😭)

she ends up bumping into Luka. Awkward.


,,Ah sorry sorry I'm in a rush."

,,Marinette! It's me!"

,,ohhh I-im sorry."

,,it's okay. So what was that chaotic melody in your head?"

,,what..what melody?"

,,never mind, what did u want to talk about?"

,,me & u"

,,oh? What about ,,us"?"

,,I've had a nightmare and I just want to make sure I didn't disappoint you in any way when i rejected you...again."

,,Mari, it's all good. Sorry, but I moved on after these years."

,,oh? Are u and Chloe...a thing?"


,,Oh! Haha! That's awesome!!"

,,What about you and Adrien?"

,,Oh well we're dating, haha"

,,that's awesome! Looks like we both found what we needed - the melody that'll play along with us our whole lifetime"

,,that's adorable and so well worded."

He smiles.

,,so friends?" She asks.

,,of course. I have to go, see you sometime"

,,yeah...see you...sometime."

they split up.

I've been very busy and unmotivated, and I believe it's visible in chapter too.
it's a short one and with no huge meaning, or no meaning at all.
I will try my best to update more often.

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