Chapter 12

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,,I can't believe I'm falling in love with a blue haired boy..a boy..I can't believe this.." Chloe sighs.

She looks in the mirror while putting the last flower hair clip in her hair.
,,This will work"

She walks out of her room, but she wasn't so confident anymore, what happened? He happened.

,,I was waiting for you, miss Bourgeois" he looks at her while standing a few meters away with a bunch of flowers in his hands. He smiles.

She goes all red..ALL RED.

The gentleman comes up to her - ,,no need to be shy" he takes her hand.

she looks up to him. Oh yeah, he was tall...

,,hi.." she finally says.

,,I was waiting for this one" he laughs.

the blonde girl giggles.

,,these are for you - blue because of your eyes, and yellow - I'd say because of your hair, but it's more because of the jacket of yours I ruined the first day we met" he giggles.

She reaches out for the flowers, he lets them go in her hands, she's looking at them like she's never seen flowers before. She smiled.

,,now let's go?" Luka asks.

She nods. Awh man she's full of joy.

,,are we going to use the elevator?" Chloe finally lets out a word.

,,if u wish" he responds quickly.

She nods again.

He presses the the button...

As the elevators doors open they both walk in.
They're alone. He carefully clicks ANOTHER button...the one saying ,,1". Aka first floor.

Chloe isn't used to elevators. It really doesn't matter that she lives here, she still prefers the emergency stairs.

He's in the right corner. Standing. And she's in the left corner. With her back slammed on the edge.

Suddenly the elevator drops and causes a mini earthquake in Chloe's world. She doesn't hold on her legs anymore and falls right..on the ground.

,,Oh you okay there?" Luka places out his hand.

,,yeah uh definitely" she places her hand on his and that helps her get up.

,,did you hurt yourself?"

,,no don't worry I'm okay!" She says.

,,oh the flowers.." she looks at them. Turns out she fell on them and well..they weren't so pretty anymore.

,,I'll get you new ones, i promise!" Luka tries to cheer her up.

She smiles.

,,where are we going?" She asks while realising she going on a date without knowing where she's going...

,,it's a surprise!" He replies.

She looks at him excitingly.

They walk out of the hotel.

Enough for now, but this will continue in Chapter 13! ;)

- A

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