Chapter 7

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Reader POV:
They all got ready.
Adrien was wearing black swimming trunks.
Nino was wearing red ones.
Alya was in a pastel coloured pink x yellow swimsuit, and Marinette was wearing a black bikini, it highlighted all her curves, and body features, also it matched Adriens swimming trunks...
Adrien was mesmerised.
     She likes ME?I can't really even believe it now - Adrien thought to himself.
When am I going to confess? - He thought again.
- Hey dude, what u thinking about? - Nino asked.
Soon Nino noticed that he's looking at Marinette.
- Woah, you know that she-
- yes I know.
- okay, you got any plans?
- I'm not sure, Nino, how did u tell Alya?
- basically I told her best friend
- oh yeah right that time in the zoo.
- yup! You shouldn't worry, Marinette's all into you, she wouldn't ever reject you.
- I don't know.
- whatever, let's go, the girls are about to go swimming!
Meanwhile Chloe:
- ...
- hey miss bourgeois nice to see you again - Luka smirked
- you look amazing - he added
- I know I do! No need to remind me, so don't be ridiculous!
- did they invite you too?
- of course! I'm the queen of Paris, everyone loves me, and everyone dreams about going to the beach with me!
- looks like they're actually having fun without you - he points at the teens splashing in the water.
- but don't worry, I'll be here, with you, if u don't mind of course?
- whatever.
- will I get my jacket back?
Chloe noticed it in her bag and felt embarrassed. She tried to hide it from his sight, she doesn't want him to know that she's bringing it around with her because of the smell of Luka's cologne.
- I saw that! - Luka smiled
- What? You saw what??? What do you mean?
- don't worry about it, you can keep it, I know it smells good. - luka giggled
Chloe blushed as bright as the pink sunset skies.
The friend group POV:
- U GOT SOME SAND IN MY EYE! - Adrien yelled.
- Oh I'm sorry!! - Marinette got closer to Adrien to help him, but it was just a trap, so Adrien could splash her face with water.
- THATS NOT FAIR! - she giggles
- I don't make the rules, or do I? - Adrien laughed
- they're so cute, right Nino? - Alya said, while standing a few metres away from the love birds.
- I agree Alya, I agree.
- look, there! The sun is going away, what a beautiful sunset we're about to see! - Alya said joyfully.
The lovebirds didn't hear her at first, they were too focused on trying to drown each other.
Alya called their names again, and they all agreed to get out of the water.
- hey! Let's call up the other buddies here, Chloe and Luka.
- oh yes!
- are they waving at us? - Chloe asked Luka.
- I think so, who else?
- your right.
- should we go?
- whatever.
Chloe was already comfortable around Luka, she liked being around him.
- I don't want to stay with them.
- why's that? - Luka asked, while they were both walking towards the friend group.
- they don't like me, or maybe they do, you know, I never open up about stuff like that, it's a new thing for me...
- it's completely fine Chloe! You can always open up to me, I can keep secrets, and I'm a good listener - Luka smiled looking at Chloe.
- thank you. I mean, okay, whatever.
- So what about we all go to some beach cafe, and get some food while watching the sunset!?- Alya smiled when she confessed her idea to others.
- That sounds awesome!
- cool!
- sure! I just have to call my mom and tell her I won't be back very soon! - Marinette smiles while taking out her phone out of her bag.
- Luka, Chloe? What about you guys?
Luka looks at Chloe as she gives him a look, that's clearly saying ,,no".
- I think me and Chloe will go somewhere else, have fun!
- okay that's cool! Hope you enjoy your time together - Adrien smirks.
- oh. Yes. We sure will.
The teenagers got back in their beachy clothes and hoped in Alya's car.
- so where are we going? Why didn't you want to go with them? - Luka asks Chloe.
- I
- you?
- I want to spend time with you. Uh alone.
- sure, what about we go back to the city?
- of course. - Chloe tries to let out a cute smile.
- I like your smile, you should do that more often. - Luka says.
Chloe called her driver. He got Luka's bike in the baggage.
Luka was sitting next to Chloe while they were driving. Chloe placed her head on his shoulder, but this time - she wasn't embarrassed to do that. She felt comfortable.
- Do I ask him to drop you off or...? - Chloe asks Luka.
- If that's okay with you, then yes.
- actually...I'd love if you'd come over, to watch movies...maybe not, I- I don't know.
- of course Chloe. I'd love to. - Luka smiled.
Chloe closed her eyes, and placed her head back on his shoulder.
She fell asleep.
When they arrived, the driver opened the door for Chloe, but instead of it being only Chloe hoping out, it was also Luka, who was holding the sleeping lady in his hands.
- I'll take - The driver couldn't finish the sentence.
- shhh. I'll take care of her. - Luka interrupted.
The driver nodded, as he drove away, closer to the parking spot.
Luka walked in the hotel, with Chloe in his hands.
The same second Chloe's dad ran towards him in shock.
- she's not dead, she's just asleep - Luka couldn't hold his laugh.
- oh and who are you? - the mayor asked.
- a close friend. Where's Chloe's room?
- can I trust you?
- definitely.
- 15th floor, room 790.
- thank you, sir.
oh I like him. - Mayor Bourgeois thought to himself.
Luka got in the elevator, as Chloe opened her eyes.
- I FELL ASLEEP? How ridiculous. I'm so so so sorry.
- don't apologise. It's not late at all tho, do u still want to watch the movie? -  Luka asked Chloe while putting her down on her feet.
Chloe nodded.
Meanwhile the friend group:
- this cafeteria looks cute! And the view from it's terrace! Amazing! We'll be able to see the sea, and the sunset perfectly!
- I agree with Mari - Adrien said.
Marinette smiled and blushed.
- sure thing.
- yes dudette, good eyesight.
They parked next to cafe.
The waitress leaded them to the table in the terrace.
- beautiful, thank you so much. - Marinette said.
- your welcome - the waitress smiles. - your menu's will be here in a minute.
They all sat down, and started talking about what will they study, and where.
- here you go - the waitress passed them their menus and walked away.
- Ill be studying with Nino, in England, Oxford. We already both got accepted, that's pretty rare isn't it?
- wow congratulations! How come u didn't tell me? - Marinette said while happy for her friends
- well we did now! Haha!
They all laugh.
- but where will you study, Marinette?
- oh I was planning on going to New York, actually. Design studies you know.
Maybe even Columbia university? I already sent them a letter.
- isn't it like extremely hard to get in? But I'm very proud of you for this move, I bet they'll accept you!
Adrien knew they were gonna ask him next. He thought - what if I go to the same university as  Marinette?
- and Adrien? Or maybe your gonna go back to modelling?
- I doubt it. I think I'm gonna write a letter to the Columbia university.
Marinette got all red.

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