Chapter 11

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,,I can't believe I'll actually find out who Bugab- I mean...ladybug is" Adrien said, while realising: ,,Maybe I still do love ladybug..."

Adrien jumped out of his window, and while running on the rooftops, he calls Ladybug.

,,Hey Ladybug, has your kwami told you yet?"

,,hm? Oh the reveal? Uh. I don't think I- whatever meet me at the Eiffel Tower in a few...minutes"

Call ends.

,,Tikki! I don't think I'm ready..."

,,It'll be okay Marinette! Trust yourself!"

,,I- okay...TIKKI SPOTS ON! YEAH!"

Ladybug opens up her door to the balcony and flies right out of it using her yo-yo.
Jumping on them rooftops as if she's just a lost feather.
She finally reaches the Eiffel Tower.
Cat noir was holding a yellow rose in his hands. He was shaking, I mean how would you feel when you're about to find out who your dearest partner of 4 years is...
Ladybug notices cat noir and lands next to him.

,,Hey kitty" she finally says with a cute smile on her face.

,,Hey..ladybug" He replies.

,,no more m'lady?" She looks at him, with a happy, but a mysterious expression.

,,i- i have a girlfriend...yeah." The kitten answers.

,,that's nice!" She smiles. ,,I have a boyfriend!"

,,oh. Well then that's all good!" He finally smiles.

,,haha yeah!" She giggles. ,,Are we doing this in a count of three?" She curiously looks at him.

,,If that works for you then of course!" He says.

Ladybug takes a few steps to the front, and turns around, so now she's facing the Cat.

,,okay. I'll count. Close your eyes." she says nervously. ,,one..two..THREE"


,,TIKKI SPOTS OFF! Let's open our eyes...NOW!"

Their eyelids lift back up as they both gasp.

,,Marinette?" He was the first one to say something.

,,Adrien??" She falls into his arms.

Marinette was hugging him tightly, while Adrien was standing there with his mouth wide open. He was in shock.

,,It's been you...the whole time" he finally says.

He hugs her back, as the rose falls out of his hands.

,,see sugarcube! I told you it'll work out!" Plagg says.

,,okay okay. We both knew it was gonna work."
Tikki replies.

,,I'm so happy it's you..." Marinette whispers.

,,I'm happier than ever, m'lady..." He says.

Marinette backs up and looks him straight in the eyes.
Adrien smiles.

,,your permission, bugaboo?" He asks respectfully as Marinette nods.

They both close their eyes and lean in for a kiss.
Her lips we're soft, and her chapstick tasted like strawberries.
His lips we're dry. They didn't have a specific taste. But does that matter?..
It was wonderful.
Tikki and plagg didn't care tho. They were just arguing.

They both back up.
He picks up the rose from the ground and says:
,,that won't be useful. I'll need to get u a red rose!" He giggles.

,,I love you, kitty" she says.

,,I love you too, m'lady" he smiles.

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