Chapter 8

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- Is this really just a coincidence? - Alya asked with a smirk.
- I-I'm sure it is Alya, don't be funny - Marinette quickly replied.
- I don't think so. - Adrien said smiling at Marinette.
Marinette got even more red, she felt like she had to say something, but knew she would mess up.
- KNEW IT! - Alya yelled in joy
- Huh? - Marinette was confused
- When will u tell her? - Nino asked
- NINO - Adrien yelled
- OH yeah never mind I never said anything!
- okay? - Marinette replied again
- May I talk to u really quick, Marinette? - Adrien nervously asked.
- mhm, go talk with your ,,friend" - Alya smirked again.
- Sure, yeah my dear... friendddd - Marinette said it so quietly that no one heard it.
They go around the corner, the were now closer to the beach
- Marinette...
Meanwhile Chloe and Luka:
- that movie was awesome! - Luka said.
- I know right!
- should we watch something else?
- I'm pretty tired, sorry - Chloe replied.
- don't apologise, then I'll see you tomorrow, if u don't mind of course?
- wait. No. Can u stay? - Chloe said.
- uh sure, I'll be on the couch.
- no, look luka. I'm not good at this friendship stuff, I always thought it was ridiculous. I think what I want to try is called...cuddling?
- oh really? Are u sure your comfortable with me?
- yes I am, I've never had such a supportive person by my side...
- what about Sabrina?
- did I not tell you? I thought I told u everything!
- well I don't remember anything negative about Sabrina.
- well basically, Sabrina met this girl, that she fell in love with, and now she only spends time with her , now we just sometimes call, and she only talks about her, and you know. Never mind. I always treated her badly, I'm the bad person here, it's my fault she turned away from me, I'm so useless I -
- No, Chloe, no one's useless -
Luka said while laying down next her, and calming her down.
- no u don't understand i-
- Chloe , I get it, but I'm here for u, I've said that before, you need some rest, let's ,,cuddle" as u said, and then you'll fall asleep, tomorrow's a new day, with new experiences, or if u prefer you can keep talking out to me, if that makes u feel any better I'm listening.
- no, you're right. Thank you, Luka - Chloe said as she placed her head on Luka's chest.
She closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep, Luka wanted to go, but didn't want to wake her up, so he decided to stay.
Back to Adrien and Marinette:
- yes, A-adrien?
- I- really. I have to tell u something
- oh well uh um go ahead
- Marinette, I've been thinking for some time, and i-
Adrien couldn't finish as Nino called them over
- we shall go
- yeah-h but what did u want to tell me?
- it's nothing really doesn't matter.
- okay let's go then
Marinette was confused and disappointed
,,Does Adrien not want to be friends anymore?"
- she thought.
- well that was amazing
- girl, did u like it? U seem nervous, was ur meal really that bad?
- no, not at all it's delicious.
- okayyy - Alya said in confusion
- guys we have to take a selfie NOW! - she continued.
- why?
- LOOK AT THAT VIEW! let's go! We'll come back to pay!
- alright
- sure I guess
- yeahhh of course

- why?- LOOK AT THAT VIEW! let's go! We'll come back to pay!- alright - sure I guess- yeahhh of course

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- That photo turned out really nice! - Adrien said.
- it really did! The sunsets beautiful, now let's go pay for our meals! - Alya replied.
- it's on me! Thanks for the amazing day! Go to the car, I'll be there in a second! - Adrien said.
- thanks dude
- Thats so nice of you, Adrien
- thank you.
They all went to the car. Except Adrien, that went back to the cafe to cover the check.

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