Chapter 6

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Reader POV:
The class almost split up. It was just Alya, Marinette, Adrien and Nino still talking.
They could also see Chloe waiting for her driver.
- do you think she's going to stay that much of a brat her whole life? - Alya whispered
- Come on Alya, people change. - Marinette whispered back
- We can hear everything! - Nino said with a smile
- so what? It isn't about you anyways - Alya rolled her eyes
- okay sorry dude, I mean babe - Nino said
- Anyways, schools over, that's it we're done with it. Do you all have any plans today?
- no
- nope
- uh no
- THATS AWESOME! What about we all go to the beach?
- sounds awesome!
- yes dude that's an amazing idea
- sure!
- Perfect!
- What about we invite Luka? He has been acting weird and all? Maybe he needs someone to cheer him up? - Marinette said shyly
- Awesome Marinette - Adrien smiled
- sure why not!! - Alya said
- Haven't seen him in a while that's cool! - Nino said
- I'm probably weird for this, but don't you guys want to invite Chloe? - Adrien said remembering the call with Luka
- huh? Chloe? - Alya asked with a curious face.
- well let's say I know something about Chloe and Luka.
- WHAT? Chloe and Luka?? - Alya yelled
-Mhm. Luka called me last night and yeah...
He told me that...And...
- this wasn't predictable at all! - Alya said
- you're right! But I think they're perfect for each other! - Marinette smiled.
- you sure bout that? - Alya asked
- yes, of course.
- I'll call Luka, and you guys invite Chloe.
- whatever you say.
Chloe's POV:
- ???
- Hey Chloe!
- OH HEY ADRIKINS!!! and hey, um stinky kids.
- that wasn't very nice you b-
- Alya, dudeee, remember what we're here for
- Would you like to to the beach with us? -
- Us? Who? Adrikins??
- Yeah. ,,Adrikins" , Nino, me , Marinette and Luka.
- THE BLUE HAIRED BOY? - Chloe's eyes widened and everyone noticed that.
- Yep. So you agree? I'm driving. - Alya said
- Yes, I mean yeah, sure.
Adriens POV:
I've never heard Chloe stutter before, she really is in love, huh. - I thought.
We went to get ready as we were all already in the car, except Luka and Chloe.
Chloe decided to go with her Limousine and Luka said he'll get there with his bike.
Alya's car was tiny, only 3 adult seats, what means someone had to sit on someone's lap.
- Hey Mari! If u don't mind you'd have to sit on Adriens lap. - Alya smirked
Reader POV:
- don't worry Marinette, it's okay, I don't mind it at all - Adrien smiled trying to calm the pigtailed girl.
- sure...yeahhh...
Marinette sat down on his lap, still trying not to take up space.
Adrien gently wrapped his hands around her chest. Marinette felt anxious but she didn't mind it.
She soon fell asleep in his arms.
They arrived. So Adrien carefully woke her up.
Chloe was already there, tanning in the sun.
Luka was walking towards the dressing cabin.
- Did he notice Chloe? - Adrien asked the group
- I don't think so, did she notice him? - Marinette asked rubbing her eyes since she just woke up from her nap.
- well we told her he'd be here. - Alya said
- alright. - Marinette yawned.
- let's go change!

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