Chapter 10

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,,Morning love" a voice approached Marinette's room.

,,Morning mom..." Marinette replied yawning.

,,come downstairs! We need to talk!" A sweet voice yelled.

,,sure?" Marinette replied. Oh no is this about Adrien? No no no no what did he tell them last night? - Marinette thought.

Marinette walked downstairs, as her parents were both standing and looking at her, while smiling.

The dad said while jumping around.

,,oh chill out Tom ur not as young anymore!" Sabine laughed. ,,we're very happy" she said.

Marinette's dad said while still full of joy.

,,well wow! Thank you. I was really worried about what Adrien told u last night..."
Marinette said.

,,oh he wanted to marry me!" He dad said.

,,don't tell me u still think that! I told u that u heard it wrong!" Marinette's mom giggled.
,,That sweet boy didn't say anything wrong, we love him already!"

,,I'm glad" Marinette smiled.

Meanwhile Chloe and Luka:

,,morning miss bourgeois." Butler Jean said.

,,huh? Oh? Morning...AH" Chloe jumped as she saw Luka in her bed.

,,oh sorry" Luka said as he woke up from Chloe's scream.

,,oh right now I remember...I fell asleep really quick, didn't I?" The blonde asked.

,,yeah, but I didn't really mind it, do u want me to leave?" Luka smiled.

,,NO! I mean..." Chloe started to get shy.

,,I'll go now, if u really want to see me again that bad, I'll be in the park, 4p.m."
Luka looks at Chloe one more time and smiles before leaving.

Luka closes the door.

,,sorry miss, was he allowed here?" Butler Jean asked.

,,AH! Ur still here! RIDICULOUS!" Chloe jumped again.

,,sorry, won't happen again. Breakfasts ready, would like it to be delivered to your room?"

,,Of course! What kind of a question is this?! Enough stalking, bring me my food!"

Meanwhile Adrien

,,Plagg, can you believe I actually did it?" Adrien said while looking at himself in the mirror.

,,Look, I couldn't care less about this, but I think now, since you've defeated hawk moth a long time ago, I'm sure u can reveal your identity, you should also tell that to Ladybug, unless her kwami told her already..." Plagg replied while sitting in a box of Camembert.

,,You're so right! Plagg claws out!"

Author's note:
Sorry this part is pretty short, I didn't have any motivation, but the next time I'll update this story, I'll try to make it longer,
thanks for reading! <3

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