Chapter 11: (New Year Special) [Part 3]

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Jasmine's Point of View:

Usually the night before Christmas give you a jolly, festive vibe. I mean, it's a time to spend time with your loved ones and fool around. It's a time for hot choocolate and warm fire places. It's a time for light, stress-free air.

At least, that's how I pictured it to be.

Everyone but Stacy and Niall were seated in the living room. We were all trying to make the best of an awful situation. This included finishing up the Christmas tree that the boys avoided to finish until now. Procrastination at it's finest.

Although there was a bit of tense air in the room, we certainly made the best out of the situation. "Can blind people dream and if so, do they see people in their dreams?" "Would you rather eat chocolate flavored poop or poop flavored chocolate?" "If you had one wish, what would you wish for?"

It was the stupid questions like these that kept everyone calm and involved in conversation. Time flew by quickly due to the fact that Zayn, Louis, Liam, Harry, and I were all helping to complete the Christmas tree. It seemed like in only a matter of minutes the tree was complete.

I sat on Harry's lap, head on his shoulder, admiring the now completed tree. It was truly beautiful. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist, gently gliding his thumb under my shirt and over the skin of my stomach. A smile sneaked its way onto my face.

My relationship with Harry is extremely complex. We're not dating or anything, but we act like we are and our relationship seems to only be growing more serious.

The smile was replaced with a frown when I glanced up to see Stacy and Niall walking down the hallway. She was holding his hand. Why was she holding his hand?

That wasn't the only reason I was mad. I hated to admit it, but she was fucking gorgeous. Her blonde hair was in beautiful waves. Her bright blue eyes sparkled, making it hard not to make eye contact. She reminded me of those "Tumblr Girls" that made you feel insecure about yourself. Not only were her eyes a beautiful blue, I was pretty sure she was wearing false eyelashes. The worst part is she was wearing one of Niall's shirts. And I mean only Niall's shirt.


I tried to dismiss my rude thoughts, but then she spoke. "Hey guys.", she spoke while locking eyes with Harry. I had never heard her voice before, so I was a bit shocked that her voice sounded so kind and sweet. It pissed me the hell off.

She batted her eyelashes at Harry and bit her lip.

I hope her lip falls off.

The boys responded with mutters of "Hey's" and "Hi's". She let out a slight gasp, "Oh my God, you guys finished the Christmas tree?" No bitch, we ate it.

She walked over to the tree, purposely bending down to "look" at the ornaments. "It looks amazing guys, good job." She walked back over to Niall who was sitting on the couch with and ice pack on his head. She sat on his lap. What the hell is she doing?

Liam spoke up, "It could have probably looked better if you helped." he commented jokingly. "We needed every hand we could get." he finished.

Stacy giggled, "I'm sorry, I had to help Niall." she said placing her hand on his thigh.

I felt Harry tense up from under me. Everyone was eyeing them and the silence was deafening. The atmosphere was so awkward and I wanted to leave.

"Um, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I quietly announced, leaving the room.

Harry's Point of View:

I tried not to stare at them, but it was almost impossible. Do you know how sickening it is to see an ex-friend with an ex-girlfriend? I felt like puking.

Louis decided to make things worse by suggesting the idea of playing "Truth or Dare". "It's Christmas Eve, we can't let a stupid blizzard ruin it." The game seemed pretty childish due to the fact that we weren't idiotic high schoolers, however, everyone agreed.

"Stacy, truth or dare?" Louis asked.

"Truth." she smirked locking eyes with me. I glanced back down at my lap.

Stacy was gorgeous. She was, I couldn't deny that. I would never admit this to anyone, but I did kind of miss her. I miss the way she would kiss my lips unexpectedly. I miss the way she would tease me. I miss our inside jokes. I miss waking up with her, my arms locked around her waist.

I felt like I was betraying Jasmine in a way. I don't know why there's a voice in the back of my head telling me that I still had feelings for Stacy. Then again, Jasmine and I aren't official or anything. Wow, I sound like an asshole.

Louis's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "You and Niall, what's going on?" he pronounced his words carefully. I assumed it was to not offend me.

Stacy smirked, "I don't know what you're talking about." She glanced at Niall and Niall stared at his lap. He had a slight smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

I let out an exaggerated sigh making Stacy's head turn to me. It made me angry to see how gorgeous she looked and to know that she wasn't mine. Her lips looked so pink and plump; they looked so kissable.

I shook my head to try and get these unhealthy thoughts out of my head. I cleared my thoat before speaking, "I'm going to go see if Jasmine is okay."

I walked out of the room and headed towards the bathroom. I listened behind the door for any movements. "Jasmine." I spoke outside of the door. I didn't hear anything so I twisted the door knob, proceding to open the door.

When I walked in, I saw Jasmine looking into the mirror. "Hey, you okay?" I asked, my eyebrows creasing together.

She didn't say anything for a while, "Harry." I looked at her grabbing her right hand gently, gliding my thumb over the back of her hand. This was my way of telling her I was listening, without using words.

"I want you to be honest." she continued. I nodded. "Do you still like Stacy?"

I was expecting that question; I was just hoping I wouldn't have to hear it.


"Because I know you do. The way you stare at her and-. Harry, you were fucking hypnotized by her. I don't mean to sound rude but, fucking hell, Harry. I know we're not dating or anything and I know you probably don't want to date me because let's face it, I'm no match for Stacy. I mean, Stacy can flip her long, silky hair and bat her big blue eyes. I can't even flip my hair unless I want it to stay in place. I don't have big colorful eyes. I have brown eyes, boring brown eyes. I'm not a fucking Barbie Doll, I'm a girl- a black girl, and I know it may not seem like a big deal to you, but it's a huge deal to me. I can't go swimming unless I want my hair looking like a girl fresh out of a horror film scene, I can't go to sleep without my hair wrapped in an unattractive hair net, I can't even go out with you without seeing racist comments all over the internet." she finished with a deep breath.

Jasmine's Point of View:

I've never been so angry with myself. I've always been taught to never let my walls down and to stay strong.

"Jasmine, I want you to listen and listen good."

I wanted to cover my ears and scream. I didn't want to hear about how he still had feelings for Stacy or how I wasn't good enough or-

"You're fucking beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

It was in that moment, I realized something so very important. Harry accepted me. Harry accepted everything I didn't like about myself and he saw me as me.

It was in that moment, I realized I loved him.

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