Chapter 9: (New Year Special) [Part 1]

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New Year Special:

"This blizzard is only getting worse.", Liam stated looking through the curtains. Liam, Louis, and Zayn had come back from their little bowling game and it had begun to snow. However, now there was a full on blizzard outside. White crystals littered the streets and cold winds caused the trees to dance violently. It looked beautiful from the windows but, it probably looked terrifying to anyone out in that weather.

But there was a bigger problem than the blizzard, Niall was kind of missing. "He said he was going to visit a friend and kind of never came back." Louis had tried to explain earlier.

"I'm sure he's fine.", Jasmine spoke wrapped around Harry's arm. "I mean, Niall seems smart enough to get out of drastic weather like this as soon as possible.", she reasoned.

"That's true. We should really stop worrying about him. Niall is a grown man.", Zayn spoke with a little smile.

Harry smirked and nodded his head, agreeing.

Jasmine's POV:

After Harry and I had our little "make up"; only Louis, Liam, and Zayn had come back from Louis's birthday bowling game.

They treated me as if they'd known me forever. I was beginning to like them. We had a brief discussion agreeing that Niall was safe wherever or whoever he was with. We didn't want to continue to rape his phone with calls.

I looked up at Harry. He looked concerned, I'm guessing it's about Niall. He looked back down at me and flashed a smile. He leaned down and gave me a slow, short kiss. He bit my lip, dragging it and realesed his teeth from my bottom lip. I smiled back at him.

That's when I realized something. It was Christmas Eve, there was a blizzard, and I was stuck at Harry and his guy friends's house.

"Hey Louis, when does the blizzard end?", I asked casually playing with Harry's fingers.

"Um", he scrolled through his phone "one to two days." he finally answered.

I instantly let go of Harry's hand. "Wait, are you serious? Louis, I have to drive to my parents house tonight. It's like four hours away."

Louis looked at Liam as if he was the answer to all solutions. Liam caught on,"The weather is bad, Jasmine. I'm sorry but it's not safe to be out there.", Liam spoke glancing back out the windows.

Harry bit his lip in concentration, trying to think of a solution. "Jasmine, I'm sorry but Liam's right. It's only safe for you to stay here. I'm sorry." Harry spoke. He gently grabbed my hand running his thumbs over it.

"No, it's fine." It wasn't. I rarely get to see my parents and when I can, a stupid blizzard has to ruin it. I really like Harry and everything, but my family means the world to me.

"I didn't bring anything to change into.", I spoke.

"Um, I do have some clothes that Perrie has left over.", Zayn said. I nodded with a smile, "Thanks." I didn't know who Perrie was, but I was grateful anyways.

"And you can borrow some of my clothes", Harry said. "if you want to, of course." "It would be any girl's dream to wear your clothes, Harry.", I smiled.


Harry's POV

We had two guest rooms in our house. I showed Jasmine both, but I knew she was uncomforatable sleeping in either of the rooms. It's not like they weren't nice or anything, it's just that they were both ioslated from everybody else. The rooms were downstairs, away from everyone else and she wasn't familiar with the house.

"You can always stay in my room, Jasmine. I would never try anything on you.", I spoke meaning every word. "I know.", she smiled.

"So, you will?", I asked. I probably sounded eager but I felt that this would bring Jasmine and I closer together.

She nodded, "Sure." I could feel the smile growing on my face. I took her hand and dragged her upstairs.

Once we reached my room, I kind of regretted it. I forgot how messy it was.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I smiled. "Gorgeous." she agreed attacking me with kisses all over my face. She lead me to my bed and we ended up lying there. Me on my back, her on my stomach.

Jasmine makes me a different me. A good different. She makes me all lovey-dovey, and I hate and love it. She makes my stomach do back flips and hearing her name makes me smile. Kissing her lips makes me wonder if I'm in love and if it's way too soon. Holding her hand makes me feel like I can protect her. When I hug her, my breathing gets heavier and my heart beats faster. I don't know what it is. Jasmine makes me happy and all I know is that I want to feel like this forever.

In the middle of the deep silence my phone started buzzing. I heard Jasmine groan in irritation. I grabbed the phone that lied next to me. It took me a second to comprehend that I was getting a phone call from Niall.

I immediately clicked the green answer icon. "Niall?" I put it on speaker for Jasmine to hear.

"Hey-- Harry. I'm outside of the house. Can you open up? And don't be mad.", a bunch of words came spilling out of Nialls mouth through the phone. I was way past confused.

"Yeah, I'm coming and why would I be mad?" Jasmine got off of my lap as I quickly made my way to the door. Everything was happening so fast.

I heard Niall mumbling through the phone. I jogged to the locked door that was currently separating Niall and I. I unlocked the door, the knob was freezing. I could only imagine how Niall felt out there. I opened the door expecting to see a freezing Niall shivering and muttering curses under his breath, but that wasn't the case.

"You've got to be fucking with me."

There standing in front of me was Niall and.. Stacy.

I felt my blood boiling. Why the hell was she here? This is awful. This can't be happening.

"Surprise?" Niall spoke while trying to not make eye contact with me. I looked over to see Stacy shivering as she took a breath that soon turned into fog in front of us. Snow flakes were visible in her blonde hair. She batted her long lashes as she stared at me with her piercing blue eyes. "Get in.", I muttered. There was nothing else I could do.

I really didn't want Jasmine to see Stacy. Everything would be so awkward. Stacy and Niall walked in together and I couldn't help but notice how close they were to eachother.

"What the hell is going on?", I spoke with eyebrows furrowed. Niall sighed, "Okay, so while the guys were at the bowling game, I told them I was going to a friend's house."

"And who would that friend be.", I spoke glancing at Stacy. I swear to God if he sa--.

"Stacy. Listen Harr--", I cut him off. "Niall, are you fucking insane? What will the media say when they see 'Niall Horan spotted with Harry Styles's ex-girlfriend.' What were you thinking?", I spat. "Harry, listen.", Niall started.

"No, Niall, you listen. I thought you were smarter than that. And, really, going out in a blizzard?", I began to pace. "Harry.", Niall began again.

"No--", I was interrupted by Niall.

"Stacy cheated on you with me."

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