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It had been a couple weeks since the awkward math class

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It had been a couple weeks since the awkward math class. Ashley had been moved away from their group in math. They now had this nerdy kid sitting in her seat. His name is Justin.

Shelby had started becoming good friends with Angie and Scott. They were actually going to go to homecoming together as friends. It was nice being able to have friends and introduce them to her parents. She felt like a normal teenager.

Kelly and her hadn't really spoken since the lunch room that one afternoon. She would catch him every now and then looking in her direction. But he would quickly look away when he noticed she saw.

Shelby didn't know what to make of the Kelly and Ashley situation. She couldn't tell if they were together or not. Shelby saw them together a lot around school but Kelly never seemed happy about it.

It was the night of the homecoming dance. Angie had come over too Shelby's house so they could get ready together. Scott was downstairs talking with Shelby's parents.

"So what's the deal with Kelly and You?"

Shelby stopped in the middle of putting lipstick on. "There's nothing."

"Uh huh. I see the way he looks at you and the way you look at him when no ones watching."

"I have no idea what your talking about." Shelby went back to applying her lipstick. "I have thought about giving Kelly a chance since I'm staying in Chicago." Shelby knew Angie thought Kelly was a player but she was hoping Angie would be supportive.

"If he hurts you I'll be there. I just want you to keep your guard up. Kelly can be super sweet but he can also be a total asshole. And then there is Ashley. Just be cautious."

"I will." Shelby started to fix a few pieces of her hair. "So what about Scott and you?"

Shelby thought Angie's head was going to snap off her neck she moved so fast. "What do you mean? We are just friends."

"Okay. You keep telling yourself that." Shelby finished doing her makeup and slipped on her heels. "Are you guys going to the after party?"

"I don't know maybe." Angie said as she was putting on her shoes.

"I'm bring a change of clothes because I don't want to wear this."Shelby motioned to her homecoming dress.

Angie put a hand on her hip. "And why not? You look hotttt." They both laughed and then heard Scott yelling from downstairs telling them to hurry up.

They grabbed their bags and headed downstairs. Shelby's parents took a few pictures before they headed out the door. They took two separate cars since Angie and Scott didn't know if they were going to the after party.

They pulled into their schools parking lot and exited their vehicles. Scott held out his arms allowing Angie to take one and Shelby to take the other. They headed inside to the gym that had been decorated for the dance.

They found a table to put their stuff down at. Everyone was dancing and having a good time. Shelby was looking around the room to see if Kelly was there. Her eyes then landed on Matt and Andy.

"I'll be right back." Shelby left Angie and Scott at the table and walked over to Matt and Andy. "Hey Guys." She gave both of them a hug.

"Hey Shelby."

"Is Kelly here?"

"Yeah he's somewhere." Matt and Andy started looking around for him.

"I'm guessing look for Ashley and I'll find him?"

"Oh you didn't hear?"

Shelby shift her gaze to look at Andy. "Hear what?"

"Kelly completely embarrassed her in gym class yesterday.  She kept bugging him about going to the dance together and he told her he wasn't taking her and that she wasn't welcome to the after party. "

"Really?" Shelby was completely shocked. She didn't think Kelly would ever kick her to the curb. Shelby then spots Kelly walking out of the crowd on the dance floor. Kelly spotted her and headed towards her.

"Hey Shelby." Kelly was looking her up and down taking in every inch.

"Hey Kelly." Shelby gave him a hug. He looked extremely hot in a simple button down shirt and black slacks.

"You look amazing." Even thought they had stopped hugging they were standing pretty close to one another. Kelly had his hand on the small part of her back.

"Well thank you. You don't look half bad yourself." They were in their own little world. They hadn't even noticed that Matt and Andy had walked away.

"Are you coming out tonight?"

"Yeah I was planning on it. Already told my parents that I was staying at Angie's house just in case." His eyes were amazing and she felt herself getting lost in them.

"Hey you want to dance?"

"Yeah I'd like that." Kelly grabbed her hand and led her out to the dance floor. They found themselves dancing close together. Moving to the beat of music.

Angie and Scott had joined them out on the dance floor. Shelby didn't know what came over her but she turned around so her back was against Kelly's chest. She pulled his arms to rest around her waist. She had her butt pressed firmly against him. She moved her body to the beat feeling Kelly's hot breath on her neck.

They got lost in their own little world. No one else was there it felt like. It was just her and Kelly. The music soon turned to a slow song.

Shelby turned around to face Kelly. "We can go sit down if you want."

"No it's fine. I want to keep dancing with you." Shelby smiled and wrap her arms around his neck. His hands resting on her waist. "Look I want to apologize for you getting dragged into Ashley and I's drama."

"It's okay Kelly. It's not that big of a deal."

"Well to me it is. I feel like it tainted any chance of you wanting to get to know me better."

Her heart fluttered a little. "Let's just see where the night takes us Kelly."

"Sounds good to me." Shelby rested her head on his shoulder swaying to the music. Shelby caught site of Ashley giving them the death glare. God would this bitch just give it up.

Kelly and Shelby continued dancing with one another till the end of the night. Once it was over they were all walking out to the cars.

"Hey Angie what have you and Scott decided?"

"I think we are going to head home. Scott said he could drop me off."

"Alright girl be safe."

"You too." They hugged and Shelby waved Bye to Scott. They got in his car and left.

Kelly had walked with her to her car. Matt and Andy were also walking with them. "See you at the cabin?"

"Yeah sounds good." Kelly opened her door to allow her to get in and then closed the door once she was seated.

"I'm gonna catch a ride with Shelby. Don't really want to be smooshed in the backseat with Andy and Heather."

"Alright man. See you out there." Matt, Andy, Heather and, Hallie got into Matt's car and left.

The next thing Shelby knew Kelly is walking around to her passenger side door. He opens it and sits down. "My car is already out there. Matt was going to drive but Hallie is coming and Andy is bring Heather."

"Don't want to be the fifth wheel?" Shelby asked smirking a little.

"Something like that."

They both laugh and Shelby starts driving in the direction of the cabin.

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