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It was halloween one of Shelby's favorite holidays. And it just so happen to fall on a Friday this year. Andy, Matt, Kelly, Scott, Angie, and Shelby were all sitting at the lunch table eating and discussing the party. Angie's parents were out of town so they were having the party at her house.

"So Ang I know we set up a lot of stuff last night but do we have anything else we need to do?"

"Nope we are all good."

Kelly and Shelby hadn't really discussed anything about if they were going to get back together or not. She was just giving him room to breath after Ashley's passing. She was hoping to talk to him at the party.

Angie turned her attention to Scott. "You guys got the beer and alcohol right?"

"Yes we got it covered Ang. Just gotta go pick it up after school today. "

Shelby was picking at her food lost in thought. Kelly leaned closer to her. "Hey you okay?"

Kelly's voice brought her out of her thoughts. "Yeah I'm fine."  She gave him an unconvincing smile and then went back to picking at her food.

Kelly dropped the subject and went back to his conversation with Matt.


After school Shelby followed Angie back to her house to get ready for the party. They park their cars in Angie's driveway and head inside. They head upstairs to her room to get ready.

"So has Scott asked you out yet?"

"No but I think he's going too." Angie started to pull out her halloween costume.

"Oh really?" Shelby grab her bag and unzipped it looking for her costume as well.

"Yeah he keeps dropping hints and I catch him staring at me." Angie begins to change.

Shelby loved the way Angie and Scott flirted with each other. They were absolutely adorable. "Girl sometimes you gotta make the first move. "

"You think?"

"Yes I do. Sometimes males are stupid and oblivious to what they want." They both giggle and finish changing. "We look hot."

They stared at themselves in Angie's full length mirror. Shelby was dressed as a sexy mad hatter and Angie was dressed as a sexy devil. Shelby pulled out her phone and takes a picture. She then shoots off a text to Kelly with the picture asking where they were.

"So what's going on with Kelly and you?"

"Nothing." Shelby's phone buzzed and it's Kelly saying they should be arriving in 5 minutes.

Angie crossed her arms eyeing her up and down. "Nothing huh?"

Shelby sighs. "he hasn't been the same since Ashley passed and I don't want to push him."

"Maybe you should follow your own advise and make the first move."

Shelby glares at Angie for using her own advise against her. Shelby was getting ready to say something when the doorbell starts ringing. They both head downstairs and open the door.

"Hey Guys." There was Matt, Andy, Scott, and Kelly.

"Hey." They all carry in various beer and liquor bottles into the house and head to the kitchen to put it down.

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