Spring Break

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4 Months Later

Shelby's parents had drove Kelly, Angie, and her to the airport the morning of their flight. They were meeting everyone else there. Her dad and Kelly were getting all of their bags out of the trunk of the car.

Shelby hugged her mom and dad bye. They then head into the airport to check in and get through security. Once they finally get through all of that they are sitting outside their gate waiting to board the plane.

Everyone was really quiet since it was so early in the morning.

"Shelby next time can you book afternoon flights." Shelby rolled her eyes at Matt's comment.

Shelby laid her head on Kelly's shoulder and closed her eyes. They finally call their flight and they were able to board. Before they knew it they were headed to Miami. They touched down in Miami about 3 hours later.

Everyone was more awake and excited to get some sun. They gathered their bags from baggage claim and then headed outside.

"So Shelby how are we getting to this house we rented?"

Shelby was looking around trying to find their ride. The next thing she knew she was being attacked with hugs. Shelby finally got a look at the person and realized it was a good friend of hers.

Everyone else was looking at them like they are crazy while they screamed and jumped up and down.

"It's so good to see Chris!"

"You too Shel! I couldn't believe you were coming for spring break."

"I really appreciate your help with everything."

"No worries girl! Now who are your Chicago friends?"

Shelby turned around to see everyone staring at them. "Chris this is Matt and his girl Hallie, Andy and his girl Heather, Scott and his girl Angie, and this is Kelly." Shelby clanged to Kelly's arm. "Guys this is my best friend Christina. But call her Chris" Everyone said hello.

"Damn girl. Are all the guys this hot in chicago? Because I may need to move there." everyone laughed. "Follow me to the cars. Nick helped me bring them up."

They followed Chris too the parking lot where her brother and her had parked the cars. They reach the cars and she hands them the keys. Shelby takes one and toss the other to Matt since she trusted his driving more then anyone else's.

"So I sent Nick to grab everything you asked me so you guys should have enough food and drinks to last you while you are here." A guy who looked similar to Chris stepped out of a car and approached behind her.

Shelby's eyes locked with his. "Hey Nick."

"Hey Shelby." There was this awkward silence for a moment. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Uh sure I guess." Shelby turns to Kelly. "I'll be right back." Kelly nodded and Shelby followed Nick back to his car. They got in and closed the doors. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing?"

Shelby rolls her eyes. "I'm fine Nick. Is that really all you wanted to ask me? Because you could of done that out there."

"No uh..." He was fidgeting. "I've missed you."

"No. You don't get to say things like that." She spate at him. "Not when you dumped me and went back to your EX."

"Shelby I'm sorry. I screwed up."

"I don't want your apologies. I've moved on and I am happy. And don't worry I never said anything to Chris about why we broke up. She still thinks it's because I moved."

Shelby got out of his car before he could say anything else and walked back over to her friends.


Kelly was watching the exchange between Shelby and Nick. Chris had noticed how closely Kelly was watching them.

"They use to date."

Kelly turned his attention to Chris. "Why did it end?"

"Shelby moved. They were really happy together but then her dads job ended here and they moved to Chicago."

Shelby was approaching the group. Kelly could see she was upset. Chris also picked up on her friends emotions."everything okay?"

"Yeah Chris it's fine. We should get going. You coming over later?"

"Yes of course. Just need to go home and do some stuff with mom."

"Alright see you girl." The girls hugged and Chris left. They loaded their bags into the cars and set the GPS and headed to their destination.

About 30 minutes after they left the Airport, they were pulling into the beach house they would be staying in for the next week.

They parked the cars and started unloading their bags and headed inside.

"Damn Bee this is nice." Everyone was looking around the living room, the kitchen, and game room.

"Each couple had their own bedroom. They all have a bathroom attached." Shelby led the group down the hallway to the bedrooms. Each couple grabbed a room and went to unpack.

Shelby and Kelly were unpacking their bags in silence.

"So uh Chris mentioned you and Nick dated?"

Shelby stopped what she was doing and looked at Kelly. "We did for a short time."

"Is he why you didn't want to date me at first?"

"Kelly do we have to do this right now? It's not something I really want to talk about." Shelby went back to pulling stuff out of her bag.

"But you never want to talk about it. Every time I try to bring up your past you just shut down."

Shelby threw the piece of clothing she had in her hand back in her bag and turned to face Kelly. "Because I don't want to talk about it! It's in the past and I want it to stay there!"

Shelby stormed out of their room. She grabbed a beer from the fridge and went out onto the deck to sit.

Back in the room Kelly sat down on the bed feeling defeated. He just wanted to know more about the girl he was falling in love with but she wouldn't let him in.

Shelby was sitting out on the deck looking up at the sky having already finished the beer she had brought out. The door to the house came open. She looked behind her to see who it was.

She locked eyes with Nick as he shut the door. Shelby rolled her eyes and turned back around.

Nick came over and sat in the chair next to her handing her another beer.

"Thanks." She took it out of his hand and opened it. Taking a drink.

"Why are you out here?"

"Wanted some fresh air."

"Shel come on. I know you. I can tell when somethings wrong." Nick placed a hand on her knee. Shelby turned her attention towards him.

What Shelby didn't know is Kelly was watching from the kitchen window. Kelly stormed away when he saw how close they were and went to find the guys.

He entered the game room where the others were playing pool. "hey Kelly."


The guys stopped what they were doing and looked at Kelly. "What's wrong?"

"Shelby that's what. She won't tell me about her past and now she's sitting out on the deck drinking a beer with her ex." 

"Okay what's the problem? It's not like you caught them having sex."

Kelly threw Matt a dirty look. "The point is she will talk to him but won't talk to me."

"Kel I think you are blowing this way out of proportion."

"You didn't see them! She looked happy." Kelly sat down on the couch that was in the room.

The guys didn't know what to say to Kelly. They knew he was blind to the truth. They just let him sit and stew in his emotions.

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