Meeting the Severide's

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Kelly and Shelby were fast asleep when the bedroom door came flying open. they both shot up out of bed to see who it was. There was a man standing in the door way.

"Dad? What the hell are you doing here?" Oh great this is exactly how Shelby wanted to meet Kelly's dad.

"Well it is my Cabin." His dad eyed her . "So who is this?"

"Uh this is Shelby."

"Ah well. I'll leave you two alone." Kelly's dad closed the door.

"Well thats not exactly how I wanted to meet your dad. Now he probably thinks I'm a whore" Shelby falls back into the bed.

"He doesn't think that. It's not like our clothes are tossed all around the room."

"Not helping Kelly." Shelby pulled the pillow over her head making Kelly laugh.

"Come on let's get up" Shelby tossed the pillow to the side and stood up to get dressed. Shelby grab her jeans and slip them on. She then grab her bra and put it on without taking off her shirt.

Kelly got dressed as well. They then headed out to the living room area. Everyone else must of left this morning because it was just Kelly's dad there.

"Well Kelly you going to properly introduce me to the girl?" His dad said while pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Uh yeah. Dad this is Shelby. Shelby this is my dad Benny."

His dad stuck out his hand. Shelby took it and gave it a shake. "Nice to meet you."

"You as well."

"Kelly, I should get going. My parents are having a dinner party tonight. And they asked me to help set things up."

"Alright I'll see you at school."

"Sounds good." Shelby waved bye to his dad and head out. She breath a sigh of relief once she was in her car.

She started her car and headed towards home.


Shelby walked inside the house to find that her mom had stuff everywhere. They were hosting some dinner party with a bunch of her dads coworkers. "Mom? Dad?"

"In here!" Shelby heard her mother voice calling from the kitchen. Shelby put her bag down and headed to the kitchen.

"Hey what do you guys need help with?"

"Could you set the table?"

Shelby looked up at the clock on the wall. "Mom it's like 10am. The party is not till 7pm."

Her mother snapped at her "I don't care. Do it!"

Shelby held up her hands. "Alright alright." She went to go set the table. These things always put her mom on edge so Shelby typically just did what she asked. The rest of the day was filled with her mom bossing her around and having her help her set up tables, food trays, and decorations.

"Mom how many people are you expecting?" Shelby asked as she saw all the food laid out.

"I don't know. Your father just said to be prepared."

Oh Lovely. "Well i'm pretty sure we have enough food to feed the whole US army." Shelby stood there waiting for her mom to tell her what she needed her to do next. But her mom didn't speak. "I'm going to go upstairs and get ready."

Shelby ran upstairs to grab a quick shower and change into a dress and added a little bit of makeup. She heard the doorbell starting to ring every couple of minutes. She took one last look in the mirror and head downstairs.

Her parents are in the living room talking too a couple of guys. Her father notices her walking in the room.

"Dear come over here for a minute?"

She smiles and makes her way over to her dad. "Yes Dad?" She turned to stand next to her parents and that's when she saw who they were talking too. It was Benny and Kelly.

"Guys this is my daughter Shelby. Shelby this is Benny and Kelly Severide. Benny is helping me with improving the CFD program."

Shelby didn't know how to act. Does she say she knows Kelly or does she play like they've never met "Dad, Kelly is actually in a few of my classes at school."

"Oh well that's wonderful. Glad you two have already met." He went back to talking to Kelly's dad. Shelby took this moment to slip out of the room. Kelly followed her.

He follows her into the kitchen. "Did you know our dads worked together?"

Shelby grabbed two cans of coke out of the fridge and tossed one to Kelly. "I had no clue." Shelby popped open her can and took a drink

"Well at least we can hang out while our dads talk work and share stories."

She let out a little laugh. "True. If I have to hear any of my dads stories one more time I may go crazy."

Kelly laughed. "Me too."

Shelby leaned against one of the kitchen counters. "So is your dad pushing you to be a firefighter?"

"Yeah. Wants me to follow in his footsteps. You?"

"Hell no. He doesn't want his precious girl to get hurt. You think you will?"

"I haven't decided yet."

"I plan to just to spite my father. Show him I'm just as capable of doing the job as he was." Shelby could tell everyone in the other room were starting to feel tipsy because it was getting louder. "You want to get out of here?

"Sure why not. Anything will be better then being stuck around our parents." Both of them laugh.

"Let's go." Shelby smiled and they walked into the living room to tell their parents they were going to go out for a bit. they waved bye as they grabbed their jackets and headed out the door. "We can take my car."They jump in and Shelby starts the engine and heads down the street.

"You're parents seem nice."

"Yeah they're pretty cool. Hopefully your dad doesn't mention anything about this morning to them."

Kelly laughed. "No he won't. My dad knows better. Plus I told him nothing happened."

She raised her eyebrow. "Oh so your dads caught other girls in bed with you?"

Kelly blushes with embarrassment. "Uh yeah a couple times."

"Well at least your honest." They were sitting at a stop light. Suddenly two cars came through the intersection and crashed.

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