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Kelly and Shelby both jumped out of her car and run to check on the drivers. Shelby got to the black BMW that was on its hood. She got down on the ground to try and see if the driver or any passengers were hurt.

The drivers face came into full focus. Her eyes were open and staring right back at her. "Ashley???" Shelby reached in and felt for a pulse. She dropped her head. She was killed on impact. "I'm so sorry Ashley." Shelby closed her eyes.

Shelby got up and jogged over to Kelly to see how anyone in the other car was doing. Kelly was on the phone with 911. The other driver was talking but fading in and out. Shelby ran to the trunk of her car and got her first aid kit her dad had put in there.

Shelby ran back to the other car to try and stop some of the bleeding while they waited for the paramedics and firefighters. "How's the other driver?"

Shelby stopped what she was doing and looked at Kelly. "She didn't make it." Kelly's head fell. "Kel... the driver... it's Ashley."

Kelly took off running to the other car to see for himself. Shelby continued to help the other driver. She could hear Kelly yelling at Ashley to open her eyes. It broke Shelby's heart hearing him screaming at Ashley to wake up. Shelby choked back some tears and continue to help the other driver.

A few minutes later fire, paramedics and police were on scene. Kelly and Shelby were pulled to the side to give their statements as to what had happened. Kelly was watching as they recovered Ashley's body. Shelby rub Kelly's back with one of her hands trying to comfort him.

Once they were done giving their statements they got back in her car. "Kelly I'm so sorry." He didn't say anything. "Should we go back to my parents house?"

"Can we just go to the cabin?"

"Sure Kelly." Shelby started the car and headed off in the direct of the cabin. The drive was very quiet.

They pulled up too the cabin. Shelby parked her car and Kelly got out and headed inside. She followed close behind him. Kelly had grabbed a couple beers from the fridge and handed her one.

Shelby took the beer and opened it and took a drink. "We should probably shower Kelly." They still had blood on their skin and clothes from the accident.

"Yeah your probably right." Kelly headed towards the bathroom and Shelby followed him. "You take yours first. I'll see if I can find you something to wear."

Kelly closed the door and left her in the bathroom. Shelby turned on the water and then She slipped out of her clothes. Throwing her bra on the counter and then stepped into the hot water. A few minutes later She heard the door open and then it closed about 30 seconds later.

She finished her shower and stepped out. Grabbing a towel off the rack. Kelly had brought in a change of clothes and grabbed her dirty ones. She dried off and then slipped into her bra and the t-shirt, boxers, and sweatpants he had given her.

Shelby walk back out into the living area. Kelly was standing against the counter. A second beer already open. "Shower is open." Kelly nodded and then headed into the bathroom closing the door.

Shelby grabbed her beer and went and sat down on the couch. Trying to process everything. Trying to process seeing someone she knew dead in an accident.

Shelby was getting up to grab a second beer when Kelly stepped out of the bathroom in just a pair of gray sweatpants. His toned chest and abs still slightly wet from the shower.

"Want something stronger than beer?" Shelby raised an eyebrow at Kelly's question. He then walked over and opened up a cabinet holding a few liquor bottles. He pulled one down and grabbed two glasses.

"Whisky." He poured them both a drink. They took the bottle and went and sat on the couch. They sat in silence till about their 3rd glass of whisky. "She didn't deserve to die like that."

"No Kel she didn't. No one does." Shelby scooted closer to Kelly and wrap her arms around him in a side hug resting her head on his shoulder.

"She wasn't always so stuck up. She use to have the biggest heart of anyone I knew. She use to volunteer a lot, clean up parks, and tutor. Then one day something changed but I know that good person was still there rather she showed it or not." Shelby listened as Kelly talked about Ashley not responding because she didn't know what to say. She just let him talk and get it off his chest.

They were now on their 5th glass of whisky and they were drunk to say the least. "She sounds like she was an amazing person."

"She was. I'm going to miss her." Kelly said as he choked back a couple sobs.

"I know Kelly." She placed a hand on his arm. Kelly turned his head towards her. They stared at one another for a moment. Kelly then placed a hand behind her head and pulled her closer.

Their lips connected for a drunken sloppy kiss. She let herself get lost. Kelly started to move forward causing her to lay down on the couch. Kelly hovering over her. Their lips never parting from one another.

Kelly slipped a hand under her shirt. His hand grazed her skin as he slid his hand up to her bra. He began to play with her breasts through her bra gently rubbing and massaging them. His touch felt amazing.

Kelly pulled her up a little to pull off her shirt. He then laid her back down kissing her. He trailed hot sloppy kisses from her lips to her jaw line and then to her neck.

Her hands were traveling all over his body. Feeling each muscle. Feeling how soft and smooth his skin felt.

She felt him suck and nibble at the spot just below her ear sending pleasure signals all through her body. Kelly reached behind her back and undid her bra and slipped it off.

He moved his mouth down her body. Stopping at each nipple to suck and bite. Sending more pleasure signals through her body. He continued his trail of kisses down her stomach and kissing right above the top of the sweatpants. He came back up to kiss her lips.

Shelby could feel his hard member against the inside of her leg. She wanted him so bad. She thrusted her hips upwards into him. He let out a soft moan against her lips.

"I want you." Shelby could feel her body shaking with anticipation of having Kelly insider her.

"I want you too Kel." Kelly slipped off the sweatpants and boxers he had given her to wear. He then got up and slipped off his own sweatpants and boxers.

He climbed back on top of her, his member pressing against the inside of her thigh once again. "You sure?"

"Yes Kelly." He gave her another kiss before push himself inside of her. She gasped at his size. He didn't move for a few seconds allowing her to adjust.

"You can move Kelly." Kelly started with slow thrust in and out. She was clawing at his toned back as his pace picked up. "God Kelly you feel amazing." Her eyes were rolling into the back of her head. Pleasuring coursing through her whole body.

"Fuck Shelby your so wet." Kelly threw his head back in pleasure.

She could feel her body tipping over the edge. "Kelly I'm gonna cum." He quickened his pace and She felt her walls cling tightly around him. She felt this burst of pure pleasure sending Kelly over the edge with her.

Shelby watched him throw his head back as he came inside of her. They rode out their orgasm. He then laid down on top of her. They stayed like this for a couple minutes trying to catch their breath. Kelly placed a kiss on her lips once their breathing got back to normal.

Kelly got up allowing her to sit up. "Let's go lay down." Shelby followed Kelly to the bedroom to lay down and get some sleep. They left their clothes in the living room. Their naked bodies tangled with one another as they drifted off to sleep.

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